:lol: Hi I need some serious help, :cry: I have a BT Voyager 105 after installing SP2 I connected to the web but I cant browse I keep getting time out that’s what I was told by BT technical support staff. If I uninstalling SP2 my I can browse with out any problems at all

I’m running windows XP home edition AMD athlon 1.6

Could be your drivers need updated. Check the brand of computer you have web site. Also It could be a bad install. Sometimes that just happens. You may consider ordering the disk from microsoft. Its free and it took about a week for mine to come in........Hope that helps.......peace........im out

:lol: Hi the problem is all salted out it had something to do with my IP address. I type ipconfig commend line to check my IP address, it was showing IP as being 227 when it is meant to start with an 81. Since use shareaza I have being get a lot o virus and spyware, probable had change my settings so I reinstalled windows the in installed SP2 from CD I got from Microsoft and my internet is working fine now. :evil: But what really pi???? me off is I spent hour on the phone to MS for them to tell me it’s a problem with my IP address

Just like to thank everybody who replayed :cool:

:lol: Hi the problem is all salted out it had something to do with my IP address. I type ipconfig commend line to check my IP address, it was showing IP as being 227 when it is meant to start with an 81. Since use shareaza I have being get a lot o virus and spyware, probable had change my settings so I reinstalled windows the in installed SP2 from CD I got from Microsoft and my internet is working fine now. :evil: But what really pi???? me off is I spent hour on the phone to MS for them to tell me it’s a problem with my IP address

Just like to thank everybody who replayed :cool:

Thanks for sharing your fix :)

Using any P2P programs are likely to lead to problems; a good reason to stay away from them!

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