I'm interested in Windows Gold Disk v2. Anyone have any experience using this software? Wondering how effective it really is on either a small network or large. Also wondering what the best way to get a copy of the software for trial purposes. Thanks.


As far as I know, there are no such editions of Windows in existence, however "Windows Gold" is the term used for a version of Windows that is considered ready for shipment to OEM partners etc.

Hope this has helped.


The person was referring to a GOTS product not a Microsoft product!

Go check the DISA website.
It should be there.

Go check the DISA website.

DIS A web site or DAT A web site .

I'm interested in Windows Gold Disk v2. Anyone have any experience using this software? Wondering how effective it really is on either a small network or large. Also wondering what the best way to get a copy of the software for trial purposes. Thanks.

I have a copy of Astound ver 2.1 by Gold Disk Inc. and never user it. Manuals and tutorial also. I was just looking to gather info about loading it onto my system but found your question. If you are interested I will sell it to you. E-mail addy removed to prevent harvesting by spambots

-- I suggest you PM the OP your E-mail and conduct any business off site. Caveat emptor.


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