Can anyone help me, I am trying to play AVI files from my camera and Windows Media Player is missing the codec for it. The code given is 0010-8000-00AA00389B71. I could do with a safe download/install.

- Thanks for any help.

Thanks AVI files are now playing.
But the error message is still there in windows media player (Yet it plays fine?).

Problem is AVI's aren't playing properly in a digital photo frame. Video works but the audiio format is not supported even though it is supposed to play AVI's. I was hoping to convert it using moviemaker into something the digi-frame will play.

There is no such thing as a standard AVI. There are many different versions of AVI files.

Try converting using a program called WinFF

try downloading vlc media player...

try downloading vlc media player...

Did you actually bother reading the post? He now needs to get it into a format suitable for playing on the picture frame

Excellent, that WinFF has converted the vids to something playable.

-nice one.

Thanks AVI files are now playing.
But the error message is still there in windows media player (Yet it plays fine?).

Problem is AVI's aren't playing properly in a digital photo frame. Video works but the audiio format is not supported even though it is supposed to play AVI's. I was hoping to convert it using moviemaker into something the digi-frame will play.

What do you mean?
Is there any way i can get my Digital Photo Frame to play avi files?
all it plays is the audio. It doesn't show the video. just audio.
Can u please help me if u know how? On the Digital Photo Frame it says. "unsupported video format" And i check on the manual. and the manual said. it DOES play avi files. but when i play them. i do not see any video. Have any idea?

Did you even bother to read what i said?

AVI is just a container format. The actual formats and codecs used within this can vary, and support for these varies depending on platform. Most likely your picture frame supports the audio but not the video one.

You will need to convert it using something like HandBrake (google for it). Check the manufacturers website for more details on the supported video formats.

Did you even bother to read what i said?

AVI is just a container format. The actual formats and codecs used within this can vary, and support for these varies depending on platform. Most likely your picture frame supports the audio but not the video one.

You will need to convert it using something like HandBrake (google for it). Check the manufacturers website for more details on the supported video formats.

Do you mean convert the avi file i have into another avi file?
Im sorry i dont quite understand. I am still just a teen.

Yes, thats is what i mean.

AVI files can all be different. Its just a container for audio and video streams. E.g one can use the MP4 format (with say, the XviD codec) for the video, and MP3 for the audio whereas another AVI file (which to an average joe user,looks and acts prettymuch the same) could use the H.264 format for the video and AAC for the audio. One may play on one piece of hardware, another may not, leaving the user confused just like you are.

You need to go and find out precicely what codecs and formats your picture frame supports, and then convert it to that.

Yes, thats is what i mean.

AVI files can all be different. Its just a container for audio and video streams. E.g one can use the MP4 format (with say, the XviD codec) for the video, and MP3 for the audio whereas another AVI file (which to an average joe user,looks and acts prettymuch the same) could use the H.264 format for the video and AAC for the audio. One may play on one piece of hardware, another may not, leaving the user confused just like you are.

You need to go and find out precicely what codecs and formats your picture frame supports, and then convert it to that.

its avi.
im sure.
but i have no clue about the codecs.
it supports avi. but i dont knwo wat codecs

if so, is there anywhere online where i can find excatly what codes and formats?

Whats the make and model of the frame? do you know that?

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