
I am planning to buy a new Laptop. My old laptop has Windows XP. The new laptop will have window vista business. I have no Idea about Window Vista Business. Has anyone used it? How is it different from Windows XP? Any comments are welcome.

Well it looks different, it has higher system requirements

But its more secure and supports more devices

Window Vista Business is good and solid. I am using it now on the Laptop I'm using to write this reply. It does require a need to have more memory...min of 4gb because of the Aero and file indexing. You can not really compare it to XP..two different beasts. Just spend a day or two moving around Vista and learning where everything is should do the trick for you. You will quicky learn to love it.

I run Vista x64 on my desktop at home and I really like it. Most hardware and software problems that were around a year ago have been resolved and it seems fairly stable. I have a few motherboard issues, but I think those are hardware related not Vista related.

You will need a big processor, and a good size of RAM. I run with a Quad-Core and 2GB of RAM and that works great for me, but I would recommend 3GB for you because most laptop video memory is shared with the system memory. Dual-Core would probably be fine unless you run processor heavy apps such as games or audio / video / rendering.

More is always better IMO. :)

2gb is fine,4gb is over the top.

All windows Vista versions are pretty much the same. Depending on the version depends has more or less features. Like with Windows Vista Business, all i know is that it doesn't have games.... so that is a down fall, :P.

But Windows is Very good, you just have to have the hardware :)

I have used Windows Vista for a while now, and i have really liked it :). I'm currently using it on my laptop that i have recently purchased and it is really good. The Specs are:

Intel Centrino 2, 2.0GHZ, T8500 dual core
3GB of Ram

And it is really good :)

I would recommend Windows Vista to anyone as long as you have the resources.

Good Luck,

Cohen :)

all i know is that it doesn't have games.... so that is a down fall

You can install solitare and minesweeper etc... off the cd yourself
But ou dont get the new ones like mahjong or chess titans, they are only premium or ultimate

Otherwise its premium + xp pro features like joining domains, web server, virtualisation etc... and without Windows Media Center (still get Media Player of course), which may not be good if you have an xbox and intend to stream music.

Upside is Business comes with downgrade rights to xp pro if you get it like right now (support ends soon)

Thank you jbennet. I wanted to also add I have been using Vista with Aero enabled since Vista came out on this machine. I have 2 gigs of ram and it runs just fine. It has a ton of software installed. The 64 bit version will run 4 gigs just fine but I don't believe the 32 bit version will recognize over 3.5 gigs of ram.

Thank you jbennet. I wanted to also add I have been using Vista with Aero enabled since Vista came out on this machine. I have 2 gigs of ram and it runs just fine. It has a ton of software installed. The 64 bit version will run 4 gigs just fine but I don't believe the 32 bit version will recognize over 3.5 gigs of ram.

Yes that's correct.

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