Hi i am running Windows Vista Home Premium on my HP Media Center PC, and my computer just went through my scheduled Hardware Diagnostic tests and everything passed except the Random Seek Test for my C drive. Is this a bad thing? what do i do about it? Do i have to worry?

This is not good.
Download the diagnostic software from the HD manufacturer and run it for a more definitive result.

ok, to be a tad bit more specific, the report from the one i ran said that it was unable to read a certain sector of the hard drive, and it gave a multi digit number indicating the exact sector. does this help at all or do i need to tell you the sector number?

Download the diagnostic software from the HD manufacturer and run it for a more definitive result.

Ok i google searched Samsung HD320kj diagnostic software and found a diagnostic test from softpedia, Shidiag or something. it is run through the command prompt.

Download it and run it. It's probably the best diagnostic for Your HD as it's made by the manufacturer, and they know your drive the best.

That means it found a bad sector. Go to run in vista and type chkdsk /f /p /r

Reboot and leave it to scan.

It will try and repair the bad sector. Once done try running the random seeek test again.

I believe I restored my computer to factory settings and it fixed the problem. This was almost 2 years ago and i have not noticed the clicking anymore.

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