I have discovered what Gates did (Nov 2004, his fix called SP2) to stop all applications like QBASIC working.

What he did is deleted autoexec.nt

Replace it and those DOS programs he sabotaged now work fine again, and it is so easy to do:

What you put in it hardly matters. What matters is SOMETNG is there, and he deleted it!

So do this:
Launch Notepad (or Wordpad) and on the screen it provides, type in


followed by pressing Enter (carriage return)

Then save this as file c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt.

On Notepad you may need to put the filename in quotes – or it may save your @ECHO OFF as a file called Autoexec.nt.txt

If you do this and it still does not work, reopen autoexec.nt and add the following lines:

1h %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
1h %SystemRoot%\system32\redir
1h %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3

There is already a file named that. Do you mean to replace the file?

There is already a file named that. Do you mean to replace the file?

If there is already a file called autoexec.nt in the location I gave then you have not yet installed the Gates "fix" that stops QBAS and DOS working.

On my computer there WAS a file named autoexec.nt but it was not a text file and was located in a folder that made it look like Gates was remembering it (in some other code) in case he changed his mind

Let me know (best to email me drjohnfree@hotmail.com) if you are still stuck
If your autoexec.nt is NOT located where I said, do NOT replace it.
If it IS, replacing it will do no harm

I have discovered what Gates did (Nov 2004, his fix called SP2) to stop all applications like QBASIC working.

What he did is deleted autoexec.nt

Replace it and those DOS programs he sabotaged now work fine again, and it is so easy to do:

What you put in it hardly matters. What matters is SOMETNG is there, and he deleted it!

So do this:
Launch Notepad (or Wordpad) and on the screen it provides, type in


followed by pressing Enter (carriage return)

Then save this as file c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt.

On Notepad you may need to put the filename in quotes – or it may save your @ECHO OFF as a file called Autoexec.nt.txt

If you do this and it still does not work, reopen autoexec.nt and add the following lines:

1h %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
1h %SystemRoot%\system32\redir
1h %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3

Hi, I don't use those programs but do have all of Bills updates there are ,and that file is where it belongs ,so maybe someone beside Bill took yours !:)

Hi, I don't use those programs but do have all of Bills updates there are ,and that file is where it belongs ,so maybe someone beside Bill took yours !:)

Very interesting
He took it mid November last as his fix SP2 or whatever

Not just from my computer but other people too

So maybe he only deletes (moves it and makes it text-unreadable) depending on your setup.

In any case the GOOD NEWS is "If QBAS does not work, reinstall your autoexec.nt" and if you do not recall what was on it just put ECHO OFF on it!

So if we "round up the usual suspects" for larceny not just from me, who else but Bill?

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