I wouldn't recommend it but if you really want to disable it you should have to take a look at this website
(you can download a little utility here which provides you with some easy choices) :) ...

Not the best option, as some apps won't actually install if is FULLY disabled (Acrobat Pro doesn't like it). Use the Quiet Mode instead.

Thank GOD the UAC is more easily controllable in Win7

Not the best option, as some apps won't actually install if is FULLY disabled (Acrobat Pro doesn't like it). Use the Quiet Mode instead.

Well, I've never had a real opportunity to try it, as I don't use Windows Vista as my main OS.

Well, I've never had a real opportunity to try it, as I don't use Windows Vista as my main OS.

Pardon my lack of delicateness here, but if you haven't even tried the "tip" out, or by the sounds of it, even had much experience with Vista, why the F*CK even post the tip in the first place??

PLEASE... do us all a favour and only post tips where you actually have a clue what you are talking about... will save novices coming here for advice a lot of heartache!!

Pardon my lack of delicateness here, but if you haven't even tried the "tip" out, or by the sounds of it, even had much experience with Vista, why the F*CK even post the tip in the first place??

PLEASE... do us all a favour and only post tips where you actually have a clue what you are talking about... will save novices coming here for advice a lot of heartache!!

No, sorry, I think I made misunderstand me, in fact I did try this out, and guess it worked.

Apologies then, but is still BAD advice. Using the utility you refer to, setting UAC to quiet mode will shut the damn thing up, while still allowing everything to install without issue. Turning off completely can cause too many issues.

Apologies then, but is still BAD advice. Using the utility you refer to, setting UAC to quiet mode will shut the damn thing up, while still allowing everything to install without issue. Turning off completely can cause too many issues.

Yes, you're right, but since my first post I had already marked it as not recommended to disable it.

I wouldn't recommend it but if you really want to disable it you should have to take a look at this website

Well, if you wouldn't recommend it, then why post advice for someone to turn it off.

Well, I've never had a real opportunity to try it, as I don't use Windows Vista as my main OS.

A real opportunity, you either tried it out or you didn't.
Bad advice for someone who uses Linux as their main OS.

in fact I did try this out, and guess it worked.

You guess it worked?

Do everyone a favor, post your tips for Linux users and keep your Windows Tips to yourself, seeing how you hardly use it.

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