Recently my Internet Explorer shortcut icons all changed to a 16 color look. Only the internet icons changed though, not any other icons were effected. The icons eventually changed back, but then went back to 16 colors. It is possible some program that did it but even when I restart or close all programs, it stays in 16 colors. Why is this?

What OS are you using? Go to Start / Settings / Control Panels select 'Display'

Once your in display go to the Settings Tab

Once your there change your color settings if they don't save once you do a restart I would change OS's.

Update your video drives run a windows update. You should be good. Let us know what is going on.

I have Win XP Pro. I did everything you said, but it's still the same.

Did you install SP1 if so I would wait for SP2 or just backup your data and reformat.

It has gone back to normal again (for now). I think this is just some freak thing caused by some program. Thanks for the help!

Awesome glad to hear it.

One way to make internet explorer icons permanent: After you visit a web site with a shortcut icon you want to keep, go to favicon.ico in your Documents and Settings/Temporary Internet Files folder. Go quickly before IE loses it for whatever reason. The icon you want will be displayed as favicon.ico. Copy it to a new folder and rename it to whatever... CNN.ico for the CNN website icon, for example. Then go to your link, click on properties and change the icon to the one you just created in your personal icon folder. The icons are now permanently attached to the shortcut, unless you change it.

Recently my Internet Explorer shortcut icons all changed to a 16 color look. Only the internet icons changed though, not any other icons were effected. The icons eventually changed back, but then went back to 16 colors. It is possible some program that did it but even when I restart or close all programs, it stays in 16 colors. Why is this?

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