I have a Gateway model: MT6916 s/n 1MA80000032. I need to do a factory restore but don't know the command from boot up. I hope someone can help me with this issue.

Thanks for taking the time to help :)

I have a Gateway model: MT6916 s/n 1MA80000032. I need to do a factory restore but don't know the command from boot up. I hope someone can help me with this issue.

Thanks for taking the time to help :)

Hello, hungry_for_info.

Have you tried pressing any of the following at boot up:


You may also able to access the restore partition by pressing F8.

It can't hurt to try any of these.

Hello, hungry_for_info.

Have you tried pressing any of the following at boot up:


You may also able to access the restore partition by pressing F8.

It can't hurt to try any of these.

i've tried f10 and f11, but i will try using with cntl. thx for the help. i will let you know if it worked.

I have found a page that maybe useful Here.

Do you have any system restore CD's?

Also does it come up with anything when you press those keys?

i didnt have a chance to check to see if that work. i am going back to the persons home again tomorrow. i dont have any restore disk.

thanks again for taking the time ;)

Gateway Laptop Microsoft Windows Vista XP Recovery Partition

This is probably too late to help you, but after spending the last 24 hours banging my head, it sure helped me :)

I have a Gateway M7315-U and during the initial install and bootup I lost power. When I tried rebooting Vista ended up in an infinite loop saying the install was corrupt and please restart and re install.

I couldn't reinstall since I didn't have the recovery disks made at that point.

After much pulling of hair, here's what I've discovered..

To boot into the recovery partition you're supposed to hold down the ALT key and repeatedly tap f10. This didn't work for me. I just kept ending up in the Windows Vista error recovery page which has no relevance to the partition.

I downloaded the ultimate boot disk, (which is free)


and booted the laptop. Went to HDD, Boot setup, and ran the first program there. This let me change the active partition. There are 3 partitions on the gateway HDD. The second is the 'vista' partition, the third is the recovery partition, but the first is the boot-up partition that reads the third.

Set the first partition to active, F2 to save, pop the CD and reboot.

You should now be able to do a factory re-install on your gateway laptop without the recovery CD or DVD.

Hope this helps. I've never actually followed up with a solution before, but this one had me so perplexed I didn't want anyone else to go through it.

I have a Gateway model: MT6916 s/n 1MA80000032. I need to do a factory restore but don't know the command from boot up. I hope someone can help me with this issue.

Thanks for taking the time to help :)

Thanks a lot for the info. this will be useful for the future.

hey guys, this thread was a great help..though i'm still downloading the file that iaingrant posted, i hope this would help me.. my friend asked me to fix his laptop (gateway ma7) for him and i'm having a hard time since the only cd he's got is the operating system disc (vista home premium)..tried to install but it freezes....i'm planning to downgrade it to windows xp but that's my last option since he wants vista...hope this would help...i already resolved how to install xp on this one but he wants vista...but anyway tnx!

btw..im new here..its nice here so i joined in..

hello i have a gateway NV52 AMD Athlon with windows 7 when i just had it was super fast now im 1 year later and my laptop is so freeking slow i want to put it back to the factory installation but do i loose windows 7 then becouse when i bought it i had it on my laptop so will i still have it in my system then becouse i realy need to restore my laptop to factory installation?

ty linda

hello i have a gateway NV52 AMD Athlon with windows 7 when i just had it was super fast now im 1 year later and my laptop is so freeking slow i want to put it back to the factory installation but do i loose windows 7 then becouse when i bought it i had it on my laptop so will i still have it in my system then becouse i realy need to restore my laptop to factory installation?

ty linda


Please start a new thread with your problem or question.

how can i do that? im just new here i tought i can ask it here i didnt know

click here and above all the post you will "see start new thread here ".click it

and please try to explain yourself a little better than you did in the other post

excample = but do i loose windows 7 then becouse when i bought it i had it on my laptop so will i still have it in my system then becouse i

no sure what means without guessing really .

ty caperjack for your help i did change it

ty linda

Hitting alt f10 or 11 seemed to do the trick from the insert disk screen. I did not have a disk nor do you need one for the system to enter gateway recovery management to restore your system

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