I've got a Win98 PC here (i do computer repair in this area) and for some reason it will not detect a PCI modem i'm attempting to install - nor any PCI modem for that matter (I've tryed different ones)

It does however detect a network card, so the PCI slot isn't bad. This thus leads me to believe its some type of IRQ conflict. if this however is the case, why does it not show up in device manager with a conflict? That being said, I can't see a modem section or any "PCI Comunciations device" or ANY unknown device in device manager. Thus my point - I can't even get windows to DETECT IT! If it would detect it, I'd install the drivers and be on my way. I've been working on this sense monday and CAN NOT figure it out. It is thus that I come here to you, hoping for any idea of what this could be!

Again, my situation is:
I have a PCI modem. I put it in the PCI slot. I can NOT SEE IT under device manager - at all. When I run the add new hardware wizard - it DOES NOT FIND IT. when I search for a modem - it DOES NOT FIND ONE. It is as if its not even in the PC.

Thank you for your help.

P.S. I've tryed throwing in other PCI cards, like a sound card and the like, and they all get detected without an issue! I've tryed differnet modems (3 differnet ones to be exact) and none of the 3 get detected? What in the world is going on here?!

hi,have you checked the modem icon in control panel .also have you looked around the bios for something modem releated not sure what to look for ,[like you say it could be irq releated ] as i to fix computers but a lot of its trial and error .

i've tryed everything. There IS NO modem icon in the device manager. There is an IRQ section in the bios which is set to auto. I reset it - nothing. I tryed manually ajusting it - nothing.

- Thank you for the reply

There IS NO modem icon in the device manager. [/I]

did you check for icon in start/settings/control panel not device manager !

did you check for icon in start/settings/control panel not device manager !

oh yes i have.....and i've installed it manually from there as well.......tryed detecting it - don't appear ect. ect.

oh yes i have.....and i've installed it manually from there as well.......tryed detecting it - don't appear ect. ect.

sorry I've never had that happen to me so I'm lost as to what to tell you.i cant imagine that all 3 modems are bad .are they win modems by any chance ,i did have problems once trying to install a USRobotic win modem once ,problem was ,when it install first time wrong ,the info was in the registry and it would not reinstall until i edited the registry and removed all reference to winmodem,just a thought .

I've got a Win98 PC here (i do computer repair in this area) and for some reason it will not detect a PCI modem i'm attempting to install - nor any PCI modem for that matter (I've tryed different ones)

It does however detect a network card, so the PCI slot isn't bad. This thus leads me to believe its some type of IRQ conflict. if this however is the case, why does it not show up in device manager with a conflict? That being said, I can't see a modem section or any "PCI Comunciations device" or ANY unknown device in device manager. Thus my point - I can't even get windows to DETECT IT! If it would detect it, I'd install the drivers and be on my way. I've been working on this sense monday and CAN NOT figure it out. It is thus that I come here to you, hoping for any idea of what this could be!

Again, my situation is:
I have a PCI modem. I put it in the PCI slot. I can NOT SEE IT under device manager - at all. When I run the add new hardware wizard - it DOES NOT FIND IT. when I search for a modem - it DOES NOT FIND ONE. It is as if its not even in the PC.

Thank you for your help.

P.S. I've tryed throwing in other PCI cards, like a sound card and the like, and they all get detected without an issue! I've tryed differnet modems (3 differnet ones to be exact) and none of the 3 get detected? What in the world is going on here?!

Hi I had this once it was a matter of having to re slot the modem 3 times before the comp would recognise it had one.

Hi I had this once it was a matter of having to re slot the modem 3 times before the comp would recognise it had one.

Hmm, It seems like i've reslotted it more times than I can count - but i supose i can try it again.

Hmm, It seems like i've reslotted it more times than I can count - but i supose i can try it again.

what is the name/names of the modem/modems you are using .are they like i asked before winmodems

I've tryed throwing in other PCI cards, like a sound card and the like, and they all get detected without an issue! I've tryed differnet modems (3 differnet ones to be exact) and none of the 3 get detected? What in the world is going on here?!

have you tried putting the modem in another pci slot .

what is the name/names of the modem/modems you are using .are they like i asked before winmodems

have you tried putting the modem in another pci slot .

Yes i have tryed putting the modem in every PCI slot available.

The name of the modem is:
Netodragon Encore ENF656-ESW-NDPR

sorry i have no more ideas.

I have seen this several times.

Windows does not autodetect it...
Device manager cannot find it...

Have you checked to make sure the CMOS is set as a plug and play OS...?

Have you checked the CMOS for PCI IRQ and DMA settings that may be hanging you up.

Have you checked the CMOS for onboard modem enabled...
(Just because it does NOT have the plug does not mean the motherboard did not have one or support one)

I have several modems around that say plug and play but until you install a driver it will not see them. (HCF and HSF chipsets come to mind)

I could not tell who made the chipset for your particular modem.

Hope one of these ideas works for you...

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