Alrighty then..

Another computer that I need to put Office XP on will not let me. It gives me

ERROR 2355: Setup cannot access a file cabinet. Check your connection to the network, or CD-ROM drive. For other potential solutions to this problem, see C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\1033\SETUP.HLP.

Also, when I put in the Win98 CD, it tells me

Warning SU0168
Your computer already has an operating system installed, which cannot be upgraded by this version of Setup. Please obtain the Windows 98 Upgrade.

How do I obtain the upgrade? and do I need this upgrade to install XP Office on it?
This computer has had Office XP on it before and it worked just fine

Check to make sure the Office XP cd isn't scratched. Make sure your CD-ROM driving is working properly. Also, download all the latest Windows Update bugfixes.

You want to upgrade to Win 98 from what OS?

I have Win98 on there and it says that it can be updated to a 'newer' version on 98

You have 98 and its upgradeable to win98 SE,
Office XP is not reallymeant for win98 !!
You don't need the upgrade to install win98 full versions there is a trick .Restart windows with the win98 bootdisk,at the a:\ prompt type REN C:\windows\ win.old ,there is a space between and win.old
Then type, Setup and install win98se over win98,you will be aked if you want to install to c:\windows000 ,say no and then rempove the 3 ,zers so that it overwrites win98

I know that it really isn't meant for 98, but all I do is what I am told. If the admin says to do it, I do it. (Not trying to sound mean)

You have 98 and its upgradeable to win98 SE,
Office XP is not reallymeant for win98 !!
You don't need the upgrade to install win98 full versions there is a trick .Restart windows with the win98 bootdisk,at the a:\ prompt type REN C:\windows\ win.old ,there is a space between and win.old
Then type, Setup and install win98se over win98,you will be aked if you want to install to c:\windows000 ,say no and then rempove the 3 ,zers so that it overwrites win98

I just did that and now it is saying that it can not finish the install because the file MSOADICT.DLL is missing. I contacted a fellow geek and he said that none of his XPOffice Cds had the file on them. Also, he told me that they installed Office from the network at one point, but many of the installs failed, so they stopped. Any ideas?

If you're on a network, it's much, much, much simpler to copy the disk to folder, share it out, and install the software from the network.

No need for a cd as you can set permissions on a share (or hide the share completely - share$ is wonderful!) so no one else can access it, a whole slew of things. Drop the install key in a text file in that protected share, or create an unattended installation for OfficeXP

Make sure you complety uninstall office xp before you upgrade to SE. Then try to install XP on the fresh SE installation.

commented: Your my mate; so you get a good reputation. +36

Office XP is not reallymeant for win98

This is completely and utterly wrong. Office XP is an office suite, and has nothign to do with Windows. Office XP runs on Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP. Just because XP is in the name doesn't mean it only runs on Windows XP.

Warning SU0168
Your computer already has an operating system installed, which cannot be upgraded by this version of Setup. Please obtain the Windows 98 Upgrade.

Is it worth the time to install win98se full version over win98. I rec'vd this cd as a gift from the store that upgraded my computer inorder to get broadband.

I have a win98se setup cd.But its not a upgrade ver.

Can I upgrade my computer from win98 to win98se with the


I have a win98se setup cd.But its not a upgrade ver.

Can I upgrade my computer from win98 to win98se with the


I think you can do that... but i'm not 100% sure since i don't do upgrades, it's either i stick wit what i have or have a clean install...

Yes. It is possible.

Upgrades can only upgrade.

Full Versions can upgrade and clean install.

I have a win98se setup cd.But its not a upgrade ver.

Can I upgrade my computer from win98 to win98se with the


I tried to upgrade with a full version of win98se, but the cd was given to me when I upgraded my hardware, and many files from cd did not explode to my hard drive. It was a complete nightmare. The directions from daniweb did not work, I located more explicit directions from another site, and yes they worked, but I had video display and many other conflicts.

Others apparently have tried to use a full version of win98se to go over earlier win95 or win98 versions. I was unsuccessful at using the title mod on (to or what ever), I got the usual "previous version" response. On the 95 application, I gave up and reformated the HDD. When I tried to make the shift on the 98 version, I removed the host of files from "autoexec" on down and deleted and one other folder from the Windows folder. Got the same "previous version" response. Finally gave up and obtained an "upgrade" version to 98se from win98. Apparently in its infinite wisdom, Microsoft requires specifice version on an upgrade in order to remove (or overwrite) the critical files that would allow the loading of the new win version. Normal logic says that a full version should be "better" than an upgrade, but we are dealing with Micrsoft and Microsoft's approach to the market. If I've missed something, I would appreciate the education

I have met the same problem. you just need an "EXE" file to update your system and it will be ok. but I forget the name of the file ...

Dear Friends,

I have an original Windows 98 CD with me, I would like to format my HD and I was unable to findout the CD cover that contains the CD key. Could anyone tell me how to get the the CD key from the CD. Is it possible?

Thanks a milllion !

Hi xavierantony, welcome to TechTalk :)

We ask that members not tag their questions on to a thread previously started by another member (regardless of how similar your problem might seem). Not only does it divert the focus of the thread away from the original poster's problem, but it also makes it less likely that you yourself will get the individual attention that you need.

Please start your own thread and post your question there.

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Thanks for understanding.

Thank you mr. Moderator,
I am really sorry.

No problem, xavierantony.

I understand that you were posting for the first and probably just weren't aware of our guidelines. I see that you've now posted your question in a new thread- thanks.


I ran into the 2355 problem today. XP is looking for ie 6.0 I don't know why. I found out his little fact on the MS website. Ityped in the rror code and that is what they told me. So go load up ie6 and then load up xp.

BF, Chicago

Alrighty then..

Another computer that I need to put Office XP on will not let me. It gives me

ERROR 2355: Setup cannot access a file cabinet. Check your connection to the network, or CD-ROM drive. For other potential solutions to this problem, see C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\1033\SETUP.HLP.

Also, when I put in the Win98 CD, it tells me

Warning SU0168
Your computer already has an operating system installed, which cannot be upgraded by this version of Setup. Please obtain the Windows 98 Upgrade.

How do I obtain the upgrade? and do I need this upgrade to install XP Office on it?
This computer has had Office XP on it before and it worked just fine

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