I recently installed the DivX Codec and it is working brilliantly with a few of my .AVI files. However, there are certain files that cause Windows Media Player 11 to prompt me with a Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file. (Error C00D1199) Is there another codec that I need to install? (I would rather play my file with Windows Media Player than VLC.) Is it possible for this to be resolved? Thanks.

AVI is a file architecture that has codec plug-ins. Just because a file is an AVI does not mean that it will decode on your computer. You also have to have the codec that the media file was compressed with!

AVI is a file architecture that has codec plug-ins. Just because a file is an AVI does not mean that it will decode on your computer. You also have to have the codec that the media file was compressed with!

Is there a way to find out how the codec was compressed by myself, or do I have to ask the person who compressed it in the first place?

Dependent upon what version Operating System, sometimes doing file properties shows the codec used.

An alternate is to look at the first 128 bytes or so of the file. The codec identifier will be there. vidsXXXX where as XXXX is the codec.

Properties didn't really show much, other than reiterate that it was a video clip (.AVI) file.

How can the first 128 bytes of the file be looked at?

A hex debugger.

You might find one built into windows. debug.exe

Or do a web search for "Codec Identifier", there are tools that will identify that 32-bit tag.

Not for nothing, but. Have you heard of or tried KLite Mega Codec pack ? It contains all the most pertinent codecs (compression/de-compression) algorythms. It will allow you to play just about ANY A/V format on your media player. Read carefully when installing though. You will want to de-select the Media Player Classic option in the beginning. You will also want to opt to "hide FFD SHOW in notification area" also. Plus there many format options that you will want to make sure are enabled.
This will eliminate the need for many and multiple codec progs./utilities such as DIVX, XVID, FLV, ETC..

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