hey i have an ibm thinkpad t30 with windows xp and a pentium 4 with 11.2 gb free and 256mb ram. it cant play new games like sims 2 but i was wondering if i could fix it up to play the new games like the sims 2...if not then i bought it for nothing...

hey i have an ibm thinkpad t30 with windows xp and a pentium 4 with 11.2 gb free and 256mb ram. it cant play new games like sims 2 but i was wondering if i could fix it up to play the new games like the sims 2...if not then i bought it for nothing...

Hi ,I don't think from the look of what see when i did a search its really a good laptop for games like sims2 ,the specs you posted look good but it the Video that makes the big difference with games like the sims 2,not built as a gaming laptop i don't think ,the laptop is 3 yrs old .good foe work and watching movies i think !


Laptops are not known for their expansion capabilities. A alot of them, for space reasons, have built-in video, audio, and wireless controllers on the motherboard so that they can be power-optimized, and minimal hassle.

Laptops are designed for doing work, connectivity to the internet, light reading, and it is a bonus if they have DVD software to play movies on... movies with the proper sound characteristics to sound good.

If you bought the laptop as a sole game-playing device, you were mislead, or you didn't do your homework. Sorry.


is it possible to get a new motherboard with a better vid chip? i have a good connection so i can get the parts cheap

is it possible to get a new motherboard with a better vid chip? i have a good connection so i can get the parts cheap

sonds like a good question for you connection !see if they can get you something !

is it possible to get a new motherboard with a better vid chip? i have a good connection so i can get the parts cheap

I doubt it. You'd have to get the parts from IBM. If the motherboard they're offering has a 64MB video card, and you've already got a 32MB (for instance, I don't know the exact specs), it's not even worth fooling with.

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