I installe win 7 ultimate on my Dell Vostro ovsr prior Vista. I can see otheer computrs including 2003 File r. i cannot id workgroup an have no access to internet? Any thoughts or Technet resources welcomed.

You don't tell us enough. How are you trying to connect to the internet? These problems are usually router issue or configuration of your network card. So tell us a lot more please.

Dell Vostro, 1.6G, core 2, 4GB ram, 32 bit. Connected to network with eathernet. Qwest DHL internet. All other computers, Vista, XP, Win2000 and Server 2003 can connect and can see each other. System protection is on by default, as is Windows Firewall. Have no virus as existing McAfee had to be removed to install "7".
I would like to register, get updates, and load virus protection ASAP

The key information that's missing is your router.

And did you mean Qwest DSL? Is this a cable based service? If so, does the Vostro work with internet if you plug directly into the Modem ethernet port?

And did you switch your modem off for 5 minutes before going in with Windows 7? Your PC sisgnature may have changed - but then Qwest may not behave like cable net in the UK.

Problem was modem. I reset it (powered down) and now have connectivity. Obvious but I forgot with the apparent ease if install.

I installe win 7 ultimate on my Dell Vostro ovsr prior Vista. I can see otheer computrs including 2003 File r. i cannot id workgroup an have no access to internet? Any thoughts or Technet resources welcomed.

Are you using wireless to connect to a router, to get Internet access?
What router do you have?

What wireless security are you using (WPA, WPA2, TKIP, AES)?

Are you using any MAC filtering?

Is your network settings on "Automatic" or do you use "manual" IP addresses, etc.

thanks demenace
As I noted, link was direct ethernet to DSL (hi speed phone) modem. THere was no Wireless involved.
Fix was to power off the moden and have it initialize the computers. That modem gets a random IP address from ISP and acts as local domain controller assigning IPs on my network, random except printers and servers that i have tagged to specific addresses. We do use MAC authentication on our wireless network but that was not in play in this case.

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