
File System Typical Role is set to Cacheman Optimization.

If I go to System Properties\Performance\File System\CD-ROM I get the message;- rundll32 an error has occurred in your program, plus the usual close, ignore etc.

In 'Details' it says 'RUNDLL32 caused a divide error in module SYSDM.CPL'

I reloaded rundll32.exe but still same problem. Anyone got any ideas?


rundll32 errors are extremely common & could be caused by about any software program. Try reinstalling most of your software it might cure it. no guarantees though. reinstalling your whole o.s. will most likely cure it as well, but no guarantees.


File System Typical Role is set to Cacheman Optimization.

If I go to System Properties\Performance\File System\CD-ROM I get the message;- rundll32 an error has occurred in your program, plus the usual close, ignore etc.

In 'Details' it says 'RUNDLL32 caused a divide error in module SYSDM.CPL'

I reloaded rundll32.exe but still same problem. Anyone got any ideas?


Is your Win98 The 1st or 2nd edition? (clue... look at the dates of the windows system files. 4/23/99=WIN98SE)

How large is your hard drive (in GB)??

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