Hi All,

Does anybody know a nice easy way to remove XP Outlook from my comp, I dont want it, i hate it, theres no need for it.........it just takes up space on my comp.

Thankfully i have managed to remove the XP messenger from my system and the Msn explorer passport.......what a waste of space.....

Any advise as to removing outlook though,


No. If the presence of Outlook Express leaves you short of drive space then your hard drive isn't big enough to use with Windows XP.

The only way to really remove it is to purchase and use XPLite, and choose to remove OE through that. But simply don't use it is the best alternative. Lack of room means you need more drive space, not you need to remove system components ;)

My comp is fine, i have a IBM T40 Think Pad, with 512mb 80Gb etc etc....

I just dont sea the point of me having outlook on my computer, its something i never use and how many bits of software would we have on our comps that we never use........???

I just dont want it on there.....but if there is no way of removing it then i suppose i will just have to manage.. :D


I don't see the point of going to all the trouble of a delicate and potentially dangerous (if you make mistakes) procedure just to recover a megabyte or two of drive space, but if you really want to do this:

Follow EXACTLY the procedures outlined in this article http://www.activewin.com/tips/tips/microsoft/winxp/advanced/8.shtml

The procedures relating to renaming folders should be followed for all user accounts on the system. Files and folders can be deleted after the renaming steps have been carried out.

Lot of trouble for a negligible result, in my opinion.

considering that the deault installtion size of outlook express is pretty small, it doesnt seem useful. to go through the hassle.

On my computer, because i don't use it, the folder is 4 megs. Just remove the shortcut from your desktop and be done with it, it doesn't run unless you open it so it really does nothing.

express is removable in control panel/add and remove programs .add and remove windows components .did it the other day on a computer,no complaintes from the owner yet !!

I was under the impression that OE is actually needed for regular Outlook to function properly? I suppose if you are using a different mail client than it shouldn't matter. Please enlighten me if I am mistaken about the two needed to work together.


On our Windows 2000 boxes here at work, we remove Outlook Express. XP is different, and we do not have tested data to see how XP behaves without OE.

I agree that for the couple MB of space, to just leave OE alone on the computer. If you are really worried about it, rename it to something else, like Outlook Impress or something. Just kidding. Best to leave it alone.


agree ,leave it, but having said that ,the one i removed the user uses outlook,and hasent complained yet !

In my opinion, an unwanted program is not only an issue because of hard disk space, it's an issue because of clutter. I personally dislike having programs I don't use, and removing shortcuts doesn't satisfy me because it's still sitting in my program files folder.

It's a shame that Windows does this, but I guess that's life.

caperjack is right - just uninstall it. i installed SP3 for XP and i started getting a "compact Outlook express" message everytime i logged in even though i've never used OE. Just outlook 2007. I just went in through add/remove programs in the windows components and removed it.

caperjack is right - just uninstall it. i installed SP3 for XP and i started getting a "compact Outlook express" message everytime i logged in even though i've never used OE. Just outlook 2007. I just went in through add/remove programs in the windows components and removed it.

I get the same message.

So, I tried uninstalling OE via the Add Remove Programs/Windows Components...

Look, the link went away....

But that's all... the folder, program, and evil is still there, just not the desktop link.

I will NEVER use it, it is a known security hole, I use Thunderbird because I like it much better...

Instead of saying "it's small, why not leave it there." (meaning you have NO CLUE how to remove it) Why not either STFU or provide what the original poster requested?

Eventually we find there IS a way to remove it, but that it isn't a simple couple of clicks and bingo, gone....

But all of the posts suggesting to just keep OE: You all had ZERO rights to even post because you were NOT trying to be helpful.

http://www.tweakxp.com/article37318.aspx has complete instructions for safely removing OE 5 or 6...

This is NOT the same as the support.microsoft.com site suggests...

For one thing, you DON'T have to delete any of your fonts.. and why MS would suggest that is needed is beyond rationality. (Oh yeah, their removal instructions is geared towards idiots who are going to immediately restore OE to their machines...)

The TweakXP instructions are for users who don't ever want to see OE again... EVER.... (you could still reinstall it if you REALLY wanted to though)

I hope this is a HELPFUL post to anyone else wanting to rid their computers of the UNWANTED OE program.

Anyone suggesting it's small, just leave it.... get a real E-Mail client, and ditch OE and all of it's unpatched security vulnerabilities... or read and learn.... :-)

G'Day all,

commented: Rude, uncouth, and un-necessary. +0
commented: You are a ? +0

G'day Eric,
I thought you and I could go down to the local Red Cross blood bank and abuse all the people there that volunteer to give blood. We could tell them all how stupid they are and that there are better ways to help people. Just leave your blood there as it is very small.
They are only volunteers and deserve to be abused by people like you and me. They are trying to help but not doing a good job.
These volunteers that give their time and effort for free should ST*U and leave it there. No thats right, they should delete it.

These people that you have abused are only trying to help others and in your opinion, have said the wrong thing. Wouldn't it be much better to post here with "I feel that you have given the incorrect information because if you do that .......".
I think what you said in your title should read, if you can't reply decently, shut up.
PS. The rules of this site forbid to use your "chat speak" "Y" "Yer", thank you.
Have a nice day

The site referenced by caperjack for Thunderbird has 10 critical security fixes, and well over 40 other security fixes that they have found and applied fixes, how many more have not yet been found and are still allowing a security loophole for hackers? This is a direct quote from your post, I think it is apt.

"Why not either STFU or provide what the original poster requested?"

The site referenced by caperjack for Thunderbird has 10 critical security fixes, and well over 40 other security fixes that they have found and applied fixes, how many more have not yet been found and are still allowing a security loophole for hackers? This is a direct quote from your post, I think it is apt.

lol. i never actual read all of his post ,so i never seen that

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