Anyone having problems getting their old scanner working with Windows 7 ?

I just installed 7, trying to get my HP Laserjet 3050 scanner running is a nightmare.

Any recommendations ?

same probe with my just prints the test page and thats it...

How are you trying to scan? I have HP Officejet 6500 and the HP program that worked great on Vista is not yet supported on Win7. So I have to use Windows Fax & Scan program which HP recommends on their support site. Click on the Start icon in the task bar, then type Windows Fax in the Search edit control and Win7 will produce a link to the program.

Anyone having problems getting their old scanner working with Windows 7 ?

I just installed 7, trying to get my HP Laserjet 3050 scanner running is a nightmare.

Any recommendations ?

Do a dual boot to the old OS or check the company's website for drivers. When all else fails curse Bill Gates and buy a new scanner.

When all else fails curse Bill Gates and buy a new scanner.

Why Gates? Its not his fault that HP has not upgraded their software yet. They have had at least a year to get it done.

Why Gates? Its not his fault that HP has not upgraded their software yet. They have had at least a year to get it done.

Hope Santa listened.

How are you trying to scan? I have HP Officejet 6500 and the HP program that worked great on Vista is not yet supported on Win7. So I have to use Windows Fax & Scan program which HP recommends on their support site. Click on the Start icon in the task bar, then type Windows Fax in the Search edit control and Win7 will produce a link to the program.

In Win 7, Windows Fax and Scan should be in "All Programs" menu
Start/All Programs, should be one of the top 6.

I have a Microtek V6UPL. It says that it is able to run in Vista but it was recognized in Win 7 and them failed and could not find a scanner.
I think it is still gates' fault. All of the drivers should work on older scanners and printers. He should know that and Microtek and HP are pretty known scanners, so NO excuse Bill!

I have a Microtek V6UPL. It says that it is able to run in Vista but it was recognized in Win 7 and them failed and could not find a scanner.
I think it is still gates' fault. All of the drivers should work on older scanners and printers. He should know that and Microtek and HP are pretty known scanners, so NO excuse Bill!

I totally agree with that. It's okay to have Vista instead of XP, and after Vista crashes down to have win7, and so on ... okay we agreed to that. But still I'm not obliged to change my PC each and every time a new windows is released into markets. I do upgrade my PC every while but not with every new windows.
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I have the same problem. It says it is scannin g page one, kbut no image. It then says it is scanning page 2 and promptly hangs up. If you get an answer to this problem, let me know.

In order to make it work I had to change the Source to "Feeder" (see attached)

There is no problem. Every thing working good.
You just check your settings.

I have a HP Scanjet 6200C, which will not work with Vista or 7, and HP says no drivers are available. That's not exactly true. I found a program called Vuescan, which does work fine. It costs $40 and seems to work really well. It scans and saves as jpeg, tiff, pdf, and also does OCR. You can google it as vuescan.

I have a new HP Touchsmart300 w/ Win7-64bit installed. It autoloaded the drivers. (very nice) No software. My PSC2355xi (not new but by no means an old printer scanner) now has NO software to resume its functionality. (Except GIMP,etc. from sourceforge) The origianl PSC HP install cd reads incompatible, no software at HP, and their tech support just gives an oops too bad - buy a new printer scanner.
I have a real problem with HP that they do not support their own recent product. THEIRS WAS THE CHOICE TO SUPPORT THIS NEW WINDOWS 7.
As stated there is open source make do support -but SHAME ON HP!

Anyone having problems getting their old scanner working with Windows 7 ?

I just installed 7, trying to get my HP Laserjet 3050 scanner running is a nightmare.

Any recommendations ?

I have win 7 64 bit os, hp all in one 7280 USB will not scan from any program but works fine on xp. Did all the new software and drivers. scanner will not scan either. Heard any fixes?

There is no problem. Every thing working good.
You just check your settings.

check the settings for what? and where? if this is a fix Hp should know

I have a Microtek ScanMaker V6ULP and it worked in Vista and now see and does not see the scanner in Windows 7. Anyone have one and has it working?

To the people with HP devices, I've noticed that HP is culling all drivers for OS's not supported by MS (quick, get a backup of your drivers if you are on 2000 or XP SP2) and are also deleting drivers for older devices. There is a change in how devices are handled in Vista/Win7, and scanners in particular (only 1 scanner was allowed to be active at a time in XP ... Vista/Win7 support more).

Before getting rid of older scanners, I look for generic Twain drivers and point the Picassa scanner to them. It works on some, but not all.

How are you trying to scan? I have HP Officejet 6500 and the HP program that worked great on Vista is not yet supported on Win7. So I have to use Windows Fax & Scan program which HP recommends on their support site. Click on the Start icon in the task bar, then type Windows Fax in the Search edit control and Win7 will produce a link to the program.

How are you trying to scan? I have HP Officejet 6500 and the HP program that worked great on Vista is not yet supported on Win7. So I have to use Windows Fax & Scan program which HP recommends on their support site. Click on the Start icon in the task bar, then type Windows Fax in the Search edit control and Win7 will produce a link to the program.

There is a Win7 version on the website. Download that.

Is anyone still following this link? If so I guess I am lucky. I have a similar proble, HP 3050 will print OK, the problem is with the scanner. It will only let me scan to image, I can't use the PDF or OCR features and I have no idea as to where to get those features from. It will also not let me scan a larger page, like legal, it trunkates the text. Any help?

Link60 -- It is usually a good idea to start a new thread so people don't confuse the questions, but you are right -- yours is similar.

I've had fluctuating luck with the HP scanner app on Windows7 for the j4500/4600 and Officejet6500 series. It works well for pictures, but seems to disconnect when scanning documents (which is annoying). For documents, I've been using the builtin Windows scanner (I do have both Office2007 and OpenOffice on the machine, so I have a fair number of format and output options). If you need a PDF, you would have to have the PDF plugin for Office2007, or use either OpenOffice or a thirdparty app like CutePDF.

It seems HP is having this problem with Windows7 across the board ... hope this helps until they fix it.

I need to order a scanner that definately works with Windows 7. My customer has an HP Laserjet 2840 and the printing side works, but HP does not yet have a driver that works with Windows 7 for scanning. My client needs to scan all the time, so I need a scanner that someone knows definately works with Windows 7. The sooner the better. Thanks for your help in advance!

I have a MICROTEK and it is not compatible with my ScanMaker V6 ULP.

Hello to all. I hope this helps. I downloaded HP's full solution software. Right click on the setup.exe file > properties > compatibility tab > select the following:
1. “run this program in compatibility mode for” and select vista (do not select XP, it won't work)
2. "run this program as an administrator”
3. click ok and run the setup program.
I still can't scan on PDF nor OCR but at least the scanner and printer are now working and I can also scan any paper size, which I couldn't before. Still trying to find a fix for OCR and PDF, since I have office 2003.

It will be interesting to see if the "full solution software" continues to work for you. This is the solution that is "on and off" for me that has sent me to other solutions. I do expect that HP will get this solved.

In the meantime, have you checked out SimpleOCR?

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