For some odd reason, anything that uses flash, dosen't work!
I can also preview music from the artists site, ect.

I can't install any programs because i get an error message.

Any ideas on how to fix this and get FLash to work?!

I need SERIOUS help!

have you installed flash player..?

That was back in 2005 and im sure by now (HOPEFULLY) he has it working :)

GypsyTeaRoom may have got it working but mine doesn't. I have xp pro sp2 and Explorer runs my processor to 100% everytime I encounter (certain?) flash objects. Installed new OS (xp pro sp2 as well) and now flash loads up the cpu AND gives me some error code "0x00e61ea8" about referencing memory - could not be read when I close internet explorer. WTF?
Any ideas how to fix it? Switch browsers? I try to use FireFox when I can but still need I.E. for some things.

Sometimes when i try to install a new flash version,it doesnt setup right and doesnt work....

When this happens i have restored my registry settings to what they were BEFORE THE CHANGE and it usually works again....

Try restoring your reg my friend to BEFORE you made any changes to your flash program..

Welcome to Daniweb :)

Thanks for the advice. If only I had thought of doing a backup before the changes... I installed IE7 (had been using IE6) last night hoping that would fix it. Cpu still hates IE running flash. Will BU the reg now and try for a reinstall of Flash. - Crossing my fingers...

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