Hi, I woke this morning only to find every single program from my various games to system restore unable to be opened. My computer will not open ANY file types it seems... I put in my recovery disc attempted to wipe the hard drive with no luck as my computer doesn't seem to know how to install nor uninstall anything anymore. I went into BIOS with no results as it quickly went back to the same configuration as this morning no matter what selection I picked. I cannot get into anything whatsoever, so please don't leave any feedback saying to go into any system properties within windows, or install any programs as I cannot. If anyone knows of a way I can wipe my system without logging onto windows so I can start everything over, Please let me know.

Tis sounds like a Windows problem rather than a hardware problem. Please let us know which Windows version you have.

I have Windows XP, however I've had this computer for 2 years and this only suddenly happened. Don't know why.

I would recommend finding a download for a MS-DOS Bootup on the internet/google and then type C:/format

....if u want to erase everything.


Windows XP systems generally have NTFS format partitions. An MS-DOS boot disk won't format one of those.

Very True, I use win 98 and Me most of the time so i forget Xp sometimes has the NTFS format.


Hi, I woke this morning only to find every single program from my various games to system restore unable to be opened. My computer will not open ANY file types it seems... I put in my recovery disc attempted to wipe the hard drive with no luck as my computer doesn't seem to know how to install nor uninstall anything anymore. I went into BIOS with no results as it quickly went back to the same configuration as this morning no matter what selection I picked. I cannot get into anything whatsoever, so please don't leave any feedback saying to go into any system properties within windows, or install any programs as I cannot. If anyone knows of a way I can wipe my system without logging onto windows so I can start everything over, Please let me know.

Since it OEM System hp compaq or so forth don't know your spec,but you did say recovery disc.
Now fr the bad news manufacter have gotton so cheap they don't inculded th software on the disc but on he harddrive on a different partition, which means you partition more likly is damage which is the reason why when you load the recovery disk in your computer it doesn't load up since it not window but a simple program extracted the windows program which is on the harddrive on a different partition . THE ONLY WAY YOU ARE GOING TO BEABLE TO RECOVER YOU COMPUTER TO TO CALLED UP HP OR WHATEVER BAND COMPUTER YOU GOT AND ASK THEM TO SEND YOU THE MASTER RECOVER DISK YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY 25-99 DOLLARS AND SHIPPING FOR THE DISKS TO COME. OR BUY A STICK OF RAM FROM WWW.AMAMAX.COM AND GET OEM VERSION OF WINDOWS XP PRO FOR $137.99 YOU CAN ALWAYS USE MORE RAM MAKE YOUR COMPUTER RUN FASTER INSTEAD OF SPENDING $299.99 ON THE SAME VERSION. (TO WARN YOU BEFORE SHIPPING AND LOSEING MORE MONEY HP/COMPAQ DOESN'T COVER SOFTWARE PROBLEMS WILL SENT IT BACK SAYING THAT AND YOU WILL LOSE $78.99.

Yeah calling a manufacturer would help me if my computer wasn't custom built by myself. My computer can't load up discs, it doesn't recognize .exe files or any file for that matter.

What 'recovery disk' are you using then? Was it created by a program? Did it come from a different PC? What's the story with it, please?

The recovery disc was created for me by a technician at Compusa. It basically contains Windows XP and everything else needed to put my computer back to original.


If you put your XP disk in - making sure your BIOS is set to run a CD before the hard drive. Then allow the XP disk to run (assuming it is bootable), it will then run through a lot of things on a blue screen, It should eventually give u the option to repair - choose "R" to repair......... It will then take u to the repair consol!!! It will ask you which drive/partition to repair - choose the one that has your OS installed.... It should then prompt you for a command.

You now wont to type chkdsk /r at the prompt and hit enter.

This will check for disk errors etc, it will also reinstate any unreadable OS files that may exist.

Give this a try, it sounds like you may also have the sircam virus???? :mad:

Thomas : :)

1.If computer frezze cpu overheating.
2.If not loading from cdrom but goes harddrive check bootorder make sure cdrom is number 1 then save changes.
3.If load but give error write down error message and post it can help if know what error code the computer give you when loading setup could be bad ram which why programs won't start, or bad power supply can't tell you if don't have code you can't check powersupply by taking a VOM meter and check the 3.3vcd rail 5vcd rail and 12vcd rail and sure be the same or 5% off if more replaced powersupply.
4.If load setup and can't format harddrive more likely boot sector virus only way to fix this is to use a diskediter and write zeros to harddrive.
5.if doesn't recognize .exe try downloading windows 98 startup disk and save to a floppy disk if no floppy drive go borrow one or buy one they are cheap try starting from floppy if start good then go to your other computer and have the spec's for your motherboard brand and model. goes to the manufacter site and download the bios update then unzip and save to floppy then load up the startup disk from floppy hit with cdrom support and the put the bios update in to drive and type dir and then type the .exe file make sure you have the bios fle name once loaded then type bios file name in input box then save old file any name then hit flash. system will shutdown. once restart hold power button in for 10sec to turn off pull power open case and located a watch batteries you will see jumper move jumper to clear cmos.
then put back where found then restart system and change hardware setting in bios and hope this work.
4.If all above didn't work take motherbroad in for service or buy new one hope this help

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