
I am using windows XP sp3 and my Pc cannot detect the USB drive. when i connect the USB drive to my PC the icon shows on taskbar. but it's appear on windows explorer. I am using Sandisk Cruzer Micro 4gb USB Flash drive. But It working another System.

I have check in Device manages and Disc Management also. But not working

Please Help me out this problem


Have you try other USB drive? Maybe you can check your motherboard BIOS on the USB setting. That means you press the "Delete" key upon power up. But other PC brand may use other key for BIOS setting like "F10" or "F12". Go into the BIOS and look for USB setting and change it to Legacy USB and see whether it work.


I have checked other USB drive also, Its not working

Than it could be your mobo BIOS setting that has disable the USB. Check that out also. Refer to my earlier thread on BIOS setting.

Follow it....right click on my computer>properties>hardware>device manager. Now click on universal serial bus controllers. You will get a list inside of universal bus controllers. Select one & press right button of your mouse. Now select uninstall. Do same thing again & agin & delete all of them. Now restart your pc & connect your usb device.

No respond from the original poster. Note for the original poster of this thread. Please mark this thread as solved. Thank you.

DO NOT listen to Khakiland, this will corrupt your CPU, rather listen to Kingcoder.

How can that be? Just enable the USB in the BIOS setting corrupt the CPU? I done that a dozen time and my customer are not complaining. Well if you feel it that way.

Sometimes a USB Device will draw too much power for the bus and cause this. Disabling all universal serial bus controllers may not solve this if you are using a laptop or other battery supplied machine. A friend of mine lost the mouse due to a power drain and needed to pull the battery to enable the full rebuild of the USB devices. Apparently USB devices are still "live" in these machines even though the machine is off (Perhaps for some sort of wake-on-lan implementation or whatever) and the device will remain disabled until the USB is completely powered down.

Turtles will grow huge brains and attack the CPU

Turtles will grow huge brains and attack the CPU

This is a tech forum. As such, please keep these sort of comments to the geeks lounge, where it will be more appreciated :).

This is a tech forum. As such, please keep these sort of comments to the geeks lounge, where it will be more appreciated :).

Are you checking all my posts?? lol, very well :)

Yep. Usually it's spammers who make posts one after another :).

spammers?? lol i'm just lightening up everyones reading :)

Got your first 100 posts. woot woot :)

"please keep these sort of comments to the geeks lounge, where it will be more appreciated"
Knew there was a reason I hadn't been to the geeks' lounge.

I like pie

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