I have one account on my new computer, which is currently labeled "Best Buy". I want to rename this to "Kamex", including the folder in Documents and Settings. I thought I'd ask how to do this to be sure because I can't afford to reformat it. Can anyone provide instructions on how to do this? Strangely enough, a Google search and an MSN search yielded nothing.

The main reason why I am concerned is that because there is only one account, I would be changing the same account I am logged into, including the folder path, which I'm worried might bug up halfway and destroy everything.

I haven't done this myself, so I'm not sure if Windows will throw a tantrum or not. If you want to go the safe route, create a new user for yourself, add the new user to the Administrators group, and start using that user. Once you log in with your new user, access the old user's files through the "C:\Documents and Settings" folder. You'll probably want to copy these files over into your new user's areas. You could disable the old user account so that it doesn't show up on the login screen, and then delete the old account when you feel that you don't need it anymore.

Hmm, but wouldn't this disable auto-login for the main account? Is there a way afterward to delete the temporary account and turn it back on? If so, this would work great.

If you want to use Autologon for your new account, read Microsoft's guide on the topic.

I would recommend disabling the old account until you are absolutely sure you don't want it anymore. You can disable an account by loading the Computer Management Console, expanding "System Tools\Local Users and Groups\Users", right-clicking the user you wish to disable, selecting "Properties", and checking the "Account is disabled" checkbox.

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