I purchased a new Epson printer and it will not install on my OLD Window's Millennium OS. Is there any way I can do this? OR is there a NEW printer I can buy that can be installed?

using the model # check epson.com
and see if they have ME drivers for it .

what model is it

The model is Epson NX110

Thank you, Caperjack...I have tried those drivers, NO LUCK!

oh well time to upgrade ,I had to upgrade once because of the printer i bought ,but that was way back when i had to go from windows 3.11 to win95

I have another PC but the ME os works find...The ME is on a second PC that I love & would like a printer for.

i guess you need to buy an old printer ,and some new ink for it,then

YES!...but where do I find an OLD printer?

EBAY, OR mybe local yard sales or second hand shop

Thank you caperjack

your welcome

I just ordered the HP 882c printer from Ebay...Information says it uses the ME driver.
Will let you know more later.

will be watching for great results

I had an HP 3340 (something like that) and It work fime with ME.

If I had an 98 SE disk I would use my fav old OS, Windows ME...

Dear javanoob101, I didn't understand you...(If I had an 98 SE disk I would use my fav old OS, Windows ME...)??? Please explain

Well I'm just saying if I had a LEGIT Windows 98 Disk (I don't own a 98 disk) I would install 98 (on my own computer) then I would upgrade it to Windows ME

Windows ME is MY favorite Windows OS...
I've used it for many years...


I have Windows 98 disk AND a Windows ME disk!

Lucky you!! I only have the Windows ME upgrade disk and to use it I need Windows 98 :(


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