i ran a adaware scan a few days ago then came back and updated it and WHOA!

138 something files found and i got this message when i tried to clean it up what should i do?

i ran a adaware scan a few days ago then came back and updated it and WHOA!

138 something files found and i got this message when i tried to clean it up what should i do?


Chances are, a critical file for removal was somehow removed from your Adaware program. I hear that some other Adware/Spyware Removal programs can conflict with Adaware in different situations, causing them to believe that Adaware is a spyware program itself, or vice versa. Did you recently run another Spyware remover? If so, have you run it before? Did you run them together? This is just a guess at why it happened, but your best bet is to uninstall and reinstall Adaware to regain the missing file correctly. It's the cleanest, easiest way.



Trezier ,the answer to you ? as did they run another adware program is easy in the attached photo,of AD-Aware , Spybot[icon on the toolbar ] is running also

i ran a adaware scan a few days ago then came back and updated it and WHOA!

138 something files found and i got this message when i tried to clean it up what should i do?

YouShouldn't/don't run both programs at the same time .
You should be able to remove wildtangent via the ADD/REMOVE Programs in the control panel

Trezier ,the answer to you ? as did they run anothe adware program is easy in the attached photo Spybot[icon on the toolbar ] is running also

Ahhh yes. :) Maybe I should have... looked harder. lol Good eyes CJ Good eyes. So this seems to be the case here. Hopefully this helps Joe.


Also on a side note, CJ is correct about WildT. An uninstall works to rid the majority, I'd then run another adaware scan after reboot to collect any leftovers if they happen to appear. Adware/Spyware makes me want to headbutt my monitor. :evil:

yeah i did run them at the same time OOPS i wanted to see if they found the same things :o

i cant find wildt on the add remove progs list, so should i restore the quarentined files then see if its there or just leave it?

i cant find wildt on the add remove progs list, so should i restore the quarentined files then see if its there or just leave it?


Seems that your spyware removers got it. I wouldn't restore unless you notice any serious program faults. Like missing files etc. I am going to suspect that in the process of getting WildT, your adaware got jacked up as well... hence the error. See what's in quaren to make sure they got it, and continue with the adaware uninstall/install as I suggested.

And remember... don't run them together. :) Good luck Joe.


commented: thanks for the info +7

ok thanks

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