i downloaded one of those moving screen savers and when i go into Add/Remove Programs and click 'Change/Remove' it wont let me delete it. A message pops up saying "Could not open INSTALL.LOG file". How do i get rid of this? and also My computer will not let me delete the Yahoo! Messenger Explorer Bar either. How do i get rid of this one also? Thanks.

eh probelms with windows 9x

can you give us abit more details, preferably OS ?

id do a scan for virus's and the lot.

your computer cant find an install log, so it doesnt know what to remove >.>

if you want to get rid of the yahoo explorer bar id redownload it and run in uninstall from the "installer"

i downloaded one of those moving screen savers and when i go into Add/Remove Programs and click 'Change/Remove' it wont let me delete it. A message pops up saying "Could not open INSTALL.LOG file". How do i get rid of this? and also My computer will not let me delete the Yahoo! Messenger Explorer Bar either. How do i get rid of this one also? Thanks.

i know im sorry. i accidently posted it in the wrong room. i have windows 2000 and relized i posted in the wrong room. sorry

then ill move it there

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