New poster, couldn't find this in the archives; sorry if this has been posted.

Have had my computer for last 6 months. When I first brought it home & started it up, I'd turn on the computer, and it would go right to the main screen (with start menu, etc.). After a week or so, I started it up and then it went to the blue welcome screen, and I had to click on 'New User' before it would completely load up.

Well, I did a complete system reboot last week, and when it started up, it bypassed the welcome screen (which is what I prefer). Today I did my Windows Update, and after installing & rebooting, I get the Welcome screen again, and I have to click on the icon before it'll completely startup.

Is there any way to bypass or disable this? The computer takes awhile to load up as it is, so I like to turn it on, do some things, and come back to an up-and-running computer. Having the welcome screen is just a pain.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


start menu... control panel... user accounts ... <--- look there youll be able to turn it off/disable it... amogst other things...

Is there any way to bypass or disable this? The computer takes awhile to load up as it is, so I like to turn it on, do some things, and come back to an up-and-running computer. Having the welcome screen is just a pain.

TweakUI XP is designed for this sort of thing. You can "tweak" various aspects of the Windows GUI, that being one of them...

TweakUI XP is a program to have.

or you can tweak it ... i knew that...

Member Avatar for TKSS

Is there any way to bypass or disable this? The computer takes awhile to load up as it is, so I like to turn it on, do some things, and come back to an up-and-running computer. Having the welcome screen is just a pain.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


for all of your windows XP tips, tweaks, etc.

:!: Accept no substitutes...some of the best how-tos and don't do's I have ever found.

commented: Thanks for the Tips on XP... LINUX still RULES.. +4

kewl thanks TKS

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