I have just attended a problem on the network i work with. The computer is working fine but the monitor is displaying the desktop of Windows 2000 professional 'upside down'. The screen is only upside down when windows fully boots up, during the boot up process the screen is fine. Whats is the soloution? Cheers

I have just attended a problem on the network i work with. The computer is working fine but the monitor is displaying the desktop of Windows 2000 professional 'upside down'. The screen is only upside down when windows fully boots up, during the boot up process the screen is fine. Whats is the soloution? Cheers

You may be infected with a virus/trojan of some sort, i know that sub7 trojans are capable of this but i am unsure if this is the problem in your case.

Whats is the soloution?

Turn the monitor upside down... Sorry :p

1. Might be a prank. Have a look at the running apps for anyone you don't recognize. I recall a joke program called "australia.exe" did this, maybe something like it is being launched at start-up.

2. Some graphics chips allow you to rotate the display. Check the control panel for the graphics card [Control Panel > Display Settings > Advanced] and disable rotation if it's an option.

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