I was curious why my computer as of late has been going into offline mode while i'm on it? Is their anything I can do to keep it working online? I have Windows XP and run with a cable modem.


I was curious why my computer as of late has been going into offline mode while i'm on it? Is their anything I can do to keep it working online? I have Windows XP and run with a cable modem.

Are you running a firewall? Which anti-virus software are you running? Have you scanned for spyware/adware lately? Inquiring minds want to know...

Are you running a firewall? Which anti-virus software are you running? Have you scanned for spyware/adware lately? Inquiring minds want to know...

I am currently running a firewall. It is a Sygate Personal Firewall, it was one that I just downloaded from their website. As for Antivirus, I am using Norton Antivirus 2002. I have not scanned for spyware/adware, I have no idea how to do that. Hope this helps


Hi. IF you have just installed Win XP, It does that until you update it with microsoft update. But first you will have to disable REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL. You can get instructions on the net.

I have not just installed Windows XP......I think I have had this computer for the past year and their has been no problems, until late. I really have no idea what is going on, but thanks for your help.

I have not just installed Windows XP......I think I have had this computer for the past year and their has been no problems, until late. I really have no idea what is going on, but thanks for your help.

This really indicates the likelihood of some sort of malware infestation. Your anti-virus is woefully out-of-date, and worse than worthless -- I recommend that you download the free version of Grisoft AVG and run a full scan. What do you scan for adware and spyware with? How much help do you need with this?

Thank you TallCool1

I downloded the Grisoft AVG antivirus and it detected that I had a Trojan Horse.... Downloader.Small.DH Once it was found and deleted, I decided to use every scan that it offered and it has totally fixed all of my problems. My computer doesn't go into offline mode any more and everything seems to be running well. Thanks alot for your help, hopefully everything will stay well.

I do have 1 quick question...you asked me.... What do you scan for adware and spyware with.... well I have no idea. Is the Grisoft Avg software that you use to scan for it, or should I download something else. Anyway thanks for your help, and I will be getting rid of my Norton 2002 and will replace it with 2004.:cheesy:

I do have 1 quick question...you asked me.... What do you scan for adware and spyware with.... well I have no idea. Is the Grisoft Avg software that you use to scan for it, or should I download something else. Anyway thanks for your help, and I will be getting rid of my Norton 2002 and will replace it with 2004

Dealing with adware and spyware is a somewhat different issue than with viruses, though Trojans overlap some. You can start by reading my malware article; the link is in my signature, below. It will help give you a better idea of what software to download and which questions to ask.

There is nothing that Norton do for you that AVG can't, except suck up resources -- that's what it's best at; I cannot recommend Norton software for any purpose (except some of the free tools, perhaps -- I'm grateful for those). I'd stick with the Grisoft stuff for now.

I'm in the process of writing an article on Securing Windows XP and I will post it to my site when it's finished, probably by the weekend (maybe a bit later).

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