hi,i have a pc that uses windows 2007 and there is the files that copied themselves into other documents so when i amtrying to delete them even the original one got deleted.please help

Wrong forum, this should be in Hardware & Software->Microsoft Windows->Windows Vista and Windows 7.

hi,i have a pc that uses windows 2007 and there is the files that copied themselves into other documents so when i amtrying to delete them even the original one got deleted.please help

you should consult it to some expert who must be available at your place.. it is kind a little issue may be just its setting issue ..... so dont worry you will get through of it soon..

First, there is no 'Windows 2007'. There is Windows 7 or MS Office 2007.

Second, have you looked at how files are displayed in your Documents Library? If this is Windows 7, right under the 'Documents library' heading in the viewing windows, you should see how many locations are aggregated in that window. While I understand why MS chose to make our viewing pleasure 'easier' with this, it can make finding actual files for people accustomed to navigating through previous exploration methods (like me) crazy with the duplication. If you are not familiar with this, you might want to read up on the 'folder view' and its settings in Vista and Windows 7.

If this is occuring in MS Office, that is a different question.

Everyone has an explanation, but no one has a solution.

The answer to this is:
If the file is Just 'deleted', then it is still on the computer, it is just "floating in space" - you computer has cut it loose and is not keeping a track Of where it put it any more, but it may still be on the hard drive. There is software out there that can physically scan the HDD to look for these Kinds of files.

the best one that I have found is:
Easeus Dedeted File Recovery


Download this from another computer
load it onto / install it and run it from a flash drive.

save any recovered files to anything except the HDD that you are trying to recover.

that's your last best hope. If that doesn't do it, then

their full disk recovery product might, and if that doesn't then you have already overwritten it.

is this ms office 2007 issue or win7 issue?, i think it's ms office 2007 issue try to uninstall the ms office 2007 then install it back...

hope it works....

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