Is it possible to add several exes, like firefox, opera, nero etc in a single setup program, which when run will allow me to choose the different software available in it to install (without going on the web to download the files for each installation - offline installation)?

hi lordrt, i don't think there is a software that will do that for you..if your concern is just to compile and run the main file and choose which one to install.

Maybe vbscript can do that for you. Just to give you an insight, if the script is run there will be an inputbox, let's say if the input is 1 then will install firefox and so on and so for..

hi lordrt, i don't think there is a software that will do that for you..if your concern is just to compile and run the main file and choose which one to install.

Maybe vbscript can do that for you. Just to give you an insight, if the script is run there will be an inputbox, let's say if the input is 1 then will install firefox and so on and so for..

hi, know where I can get such a script?
I once saw someone using such an exe to install different programs on a pc, if I remember correctly it had the major browsers exes included, as well as apps like acrobat reader, winamp and so on, all in the same software

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