I am using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9

I want to upload word documents to certain websites.

There is usually a blank box, a Browse button and an Upload button.

I am able to browse my computer and put the word document in the blank box. When I click on the Upload button, the word document in the box disappears, and it has not uploaded to the website.

In the past I have been able to upload word documents to these websites. I do not know why I cannot do it now.

Did you try to upload it with another browser? eg. Firefox, Chrome, Opera
If other browser can upload your data without any problem, then there's a problem with your IE9...

1) Tell us what websites you use?
2) Try different browser
3) Try using different internet connection but i doubt that will be the problem

Possible reason might be the file size is too big so that website do not allow you to upload. Certain websites have a file upload limit thus large files cannot be upload unless you compressed. Also you might want to do a virus scan to make sure there are no viruses on your laptop.

Try uploading other files as well. Try powerpoint slides file. If the problem occur, it might be your file size too big. Check that, if you file size is less than 25 MB it should not have any problem. Second contact the websites hoster. The one that host your website domain. Good luck

I cannot install another browser on this computer. I need to be able to upload files using Internet Explorer 9.

This problem is happening in many different websites.

I did a virus scan on the computer, and no issues were found.

I have tried uploading a very small file less than 25MB and it still did not work.

I used to be able to upload files to all different kinds of websites.

can other laptops upload files on to the websites? Backup your files and do a system restore and see whether it works.

Everybody with Internet Explorer 9 seems to be having this problem.

I do not know how to do a System Restore.

Is there some change with the settings in Internet Explorer 9 that would solve this problem?

I cannot install another browser on this computer. I need to be able to upload files using Internet Explorer 9.

This problem is happening in many different websites.

I did a virus scan on the computer, and no issues were found.

I have tried uploading a very small file less than 25MB and it still did not work.

I used to be able to upload files to all different kinds of websites.

25 meg is a very big .txt file isn't it ,can you tell us what sites you are having problems with what type of file ,if specific types ,, are they file storage sites,torrent sites ,your own sites you are managing perhaps .

You said everybody using ie9 is having the problem, then the problem could lie with ie9. did you try to compress the file first? Hi caperjack, 25 meg is common for those web site hosting domains or site builders. But sometimes the web site could have problem itself too.

You could try it with using IE9 with no-addon and try again.

Start - All programs - Accessories - system tools - IE9 (no-addon)

maybe some toolbar / addon could be messing your browser and block file transfer to hosting sites.

I tried to upload files in IE9 with no-addon.

Start - All programs - Accessories - system tools - IE9 (no-addon)

I did what is described above. I was still unable to upload the word documents to the websites.

How about using other browsers. If other browsers is able to do so IE maybe not properly installed or corrupted and having problems.

Maybe a reinstallation for IE is needed but just to be sure, lets test it with another browser...

Go to this link http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable/ and download the firefox portable. It just need an extraction for it to work and you can use it from you pendrive too...

Test it with that browser if it could work with your computer and can upload your files with ease, then you may have either bad IE or bad upload server...

I cannot install another browser on this computer. I need to be able to upload files using Internet Explorer 9.

I cannot install another browser on this computer. I need to be able to upload files using Internet Explorer 9.

the portable app firefox runs from a usb thumb drive ,no need to install it, haven said that im sure you still have to us IE to do it.

what about using a upload manger

What website do you want to upload your files too??

1) Company website ( Hosted on the net )
2) Private website ( Hosted on the net )
3) Private website ( Not hosted on the net )

Hosted on the net mean it has a domain of its own. Example : wwww.daniweb.com

Not hosteed is something like a blog or wordpress. Example: it will end with something like wordpress.com or blogspot.com

For web builders it will end with : weebly.com or webs.com

I am mainly trying to upload to company sites

Ok, so can other colleagues of yours upload any file. If cannot the company websites is having problem and the one in charge of it need to repair it.

I am mainly trying to upload to company sites

think the answer was to a loaded question ,the way my twisted mine works anyway ,
most websites are owned by some company !lol

do you work for the company that owns the sites you are trying to upload too

I want to upload word documents to different company sites like Citibank and Sleepy's. I do not work for these companies.

Can other people upload these documets, if they can somethig is wrong with your computer. Have you got any virus attacks so far. Take a spare computer and try it on your internet network. Do this as soon as possible.

Turn on compatbility mode and check.

Other people with Internet Explorer 9 are having problems uploading files to websites.

I have not had a virus attack.

I do not have a spare computer.

I have tried compatibility mode, and it still doesn't work.

Is this FTP ?

Turn on FTP Pasive mode if it is

1 - On the Tools menu, click Internet Options... . A new Internet Options window will appear on the screen.

2 - In the Internet Options window, click the Advanced tab.

3 - First, find the setting called Enable folder view for FTP sites (located near the top of the list of settings). Ensure this feature is disabled (unchecked). Passive FTP mode in Internet Explorer will not work unless this feature is disabled.

4 - Next, find the setting called Use Passive FTP (located approximately halfway down in the list of settings).

5 - To enable the Passive FTP feature, set the checkmark in the box next to the Use Passive FTP setting. To disable the feature, clear the checkmark. Alternately set and clear the checkmark by clicking once inside the checkbox.

6 - Click OK or Apply to save the Passive FTP setting.

did you try uploading to a file sharing site like this one .

commented: scooby dooby doo +10
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