After reinstalling my Win XP, tried to play a music video DVD but got a black window with a message: "The media player cannot play this DVD because a compatible decoder is not installed on the computer". When I tried to play a pre-recorded music CD the itunes played it perfectly, yet I could not get the itunes to play the DVD. I never had this problem before I reinstalled the XP and have done all the updates. Please help.



Perhaps you need codecs

what is codecs? I have tried everything, but still get a message that I need a compatible decoder while the media player which came with windows XP includes a decoder. I can play any audio cd but not a video cd. Any idea?

The first link did not change anything. Tried to play the DVD, but get the same message that no decoder has been installed. Checked the device manager and found a video decoder, but no DVD driver. Where can I find the DVD driver for my Compaq EVO D510 with Windows XP. I would probably need a DVD driver and decoder download. Do you know of any free downloads and which one is suitable for my machine? The model number of my computer is:
D51C/P2 4/40/k/256Ad SWI_8 COMPAQ TM

Thanks for your help.


did you download and run the install you got from the link the

I did download and install it but the video did not work. When I checked the device manager, there was no dvd driver listed, only an audio driver. I checked the hp site drivers for my machine and they have a whole list but none lists a dvd driver, the closest drivers to what I need are listed as follows: audio drivers, chipset drivers, display drivers and graphic drivers and I do not know which of those should be installed. Could you please tell me which one I should install.



Yes, I downloaded and installed the link but the video did not work. When I checked the device manager, there was no dvd driver installed, only an audio driver. I checked the hp site drivers for my machine and they have a whole list but none lists a dvd driver, the closest drivers to what I need are listed as follows: audio drivers, chipset drivers, display drivers and graphic drivers and I do not know which of those should be installed. Could you please tell me which one I should install.

I replied to your question whether I have downloaded and installed the link

three times and told you that it did not solve the problem and that I am missing the DVD driver and asked you which of the drivers on the HP site I should download. I listed the drivers and asked whether you could tell me which one, but you have not replied. Please read my three prior messages which explain my question and I would appreciate your instructions on which of the drivers I should download and install.

Thanks. Raya

i didn't answer because i don't have time to try and figure out what drivers you need ,sorry ,but i will add this that you must have DVD driver installed because you already tried to play a dvd in the drive and wmp couldn't play it right ,and the codex in the link i gave should have made it work ,
i will also add this ,try downloading this player and use it instead of using windows media player .

A install of windvd 4 will solve problem. Just looking for codecs can cost you $15. Most sites charge for them. windvd 4 can be purchased on amazon for $10 or mabey cheaper on ebay.

A install of windvd 4 will solve problem. Just looking for codecs can cost you $15. Most sites charge for them. windvd 4 can be purchased on amazon for $10 or mabey cheaper on ebay.

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