Dear Friend....
Which Proxy Software is used for block internet on client machine i want only working in outlook Express ...

Please reply

softperfect bandwidth manager.
install it on the client machine, then create a rule that blocks all traffic on every adapter.

create a second rule that allows communication on the email ports, usually:

make sure the 2nd rule is higher up the list than the first rule.

you can enable "ignore LAN traffic" in the settings if you still want to be able to share files on the local network.

any issues with the software, RTM or ask them for support.

Dear Friend...

I think this is Bandwidth Management Software. I understand that we can block internet & configure ports for email client but i don't want that every user can remove this software. i want to configure from server beco'z security is must.

Thanks for reply....


Actually, no they can't bypass it or uninstall it. You can load a password onto it so that you have to know the password to uninstall/modify it. in fact, if you just load the service on the client, and not the viewer, they have no way to access the service, and because it is always running, they can't delete it, either. 99.9% wouldn't even know it was there, even if they looked for it, because they wouldn't know what they were looking for.

On top of that, You can configure it to control their PC from the server -
just when you make the rule on the gateway machine, apply it against the Bridge / LAN NIC (the side the Client machine is on) interface, and in the "source", set the Address to the MAC of the client + Port to Any(if you need to do this for many, you can create a group of addresses), and under "destination", set Adress to "any", create a port list, with the numbers that I gave you earlier, plus any others that you may wish to add.

Then it is on the server, and they cannot touch it.

I recommend MAC addresses, as anyone can change an IP.

Another software, very similar, is NetLimiter3. It has more options, but I just didn't like it as much, and I found it almost impossible to set it up in a gateway. SPBM just seems cleaner (it's a bit more RAW, a bit more CMD like, maybe that's why I like it.)

No, I am not affiliated, I am just a happy customer.

It can control every aspect of LAN communications,
Who talks to who, and when.
How much Bandwidth is allowed, both inside the LAN and to the outside world
block/allow individual websites
block/allow individuals
I use it to allow all my PC's/macs to communicate inside the LAN, but any guests are restricted to Internet. They can "see" my computers, but SPBM just won't let them touch them. It's great.

I have set this up in 4 different corporate networks, and administer them all remotely.

Even if you wanted to put it on each client, you can then access each client to configure them remotely.

I think this is Bandwidth Management Software. I understand that we can block internet & configure ports for email client but i don't want that every user can remove this software. i want to configure from server beco'z security is must.

I certainly does that, look here:

Honestly, try it out.
The trick to it is to prioritise rules,
Rules higher up the list over ride rules lower down, so

(allow all traffic for 3 computers)

(deny all traffic except email for all computers)

would give the expected result,

(deny all traffic except email for all computers)

(allow all traffic for 3 computers)

would actually still block the three. If you keep that in mind while creating rules, then you will be fine.

You can even use it to block certain sites, like fackbook, bebo, trademe/ebay, ...
I think you may have underestimated it.

More powerful than anything like "netnanny" blah blah crap designed for home use. This is corporate level stuff.

Hi ,
Thanks for helping me...........
But i think ccproxy is a freeware utilities is too good. we can configure it from server. some other proxy software is Winproxy, Wingate but they are licensed.


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