Need some help. New girl friend is moving in temporary. She is very,very good with computers. I'm not, but I'm learning, I'm a aircraft mechanic. Problem, I don't want her to see the history on my computer. Web sights visited ( I used web. sights to met other ladies). Also I don't want her to find history of my e-mails and photo's my ex-girlfriends have sent. I believe what I've done in the past on my PC is none of her, or anyone's concern. She will be using my PC. Running Windows XP. I down loaded CCleaner does it work? I care very much for her fillings. If need be, I'll install a new a drive and trash this one. Thanks very much for the help.

CCleaner will rid you of temporary files, in this case, I am not sure how much that will help you.

Here is how to clear your history:

IF you use a different browser, let me know.

I heard Window Washer was good too. Removes complete usage tracks. Is it still available these days?

yeah its still around, but it costs $30 usd

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