Hi guys, new to this site, been looking for a while now and is excellent. Now I have (or my daughter at Uni has!) a problem with the browser.

I have Windows XP.

Message "your browser settings prevent you from automatically redirecting to a new URL." pops up when trying to access E Bay, banking, hot mail.

System restore comes up with blank page. Cannot download Microsoft SP2.

So far.... added these (e bay etc) to trusted sites - no luck

Lowered security settings - no luck

Incidentally on help section in Internet explorer to check version of browser, the version and Cipher strength is blank.

I did recently remove Norton Anti virus and part of the program will not remove. Even tried removing using the fix through Symantec Uninstall tool but get so far and the page is blank. A previous post on here suggested this.

Current anti virus Ad Aware and AVG.

Sorry for the waffle not that bright when it comes to IT and would appreciate any help.

Many thanks


For the blank page in system restore try these commands:
Go to Start, choose run and execute cmd.
Type regsvr32 jscript.dll
Type regsvr32 vbscript.dll

That might help you with the symantec tools(not the activex page) which you can download from here:

Thanks for your advice.

When you hit Run, you get the "Open box" Do you type in execute cmd first then Type the two other commands?


Start>Run>Type cmd then in then the black screen that pops up type:

regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 vbscript.dll

Hit Enter after each one.

Thanks again, will let you know the results later today.

Done all that and guess what? It works!!!!!!!!!

Browser has been restored showing version and cipher strength. Norton has gone forever! Can access e mail etc albeit pages a bit funny. Perhaps reboot will help.

Much appreciated help, will keep thread open for a couple of days just in case!

Cool, Glad you got it back to normal :).

Cant access Microsoft site to download SP2. Skype intermittent. Driving me nuts! Any ideas?


Yes download and installe service pack 2 from here: http://service2.notlong.com

Make sure though that you backup your data before installing. It might crash on your system.

Have XP

When trying to access MSN I get message"Your gateway appears to be offline"

Other sites I get " Invalid syntax error" or "cannot find server"

My original problem was on another thread:

Did all as advised except downloading SP2 as I cannot back up date at this time.

Tried system restore but only goes back 1 week when I was having the original problems.

I pray for your help as I am a complete novice at all this stuff.

Forgot to add. I have completely removed Norton Anti Virus using their uninstall tool. The Browser is IE6 with 128 bit cipher strength. These details were not highlighted in the "about IE" box prior to the earlier fix (see above thread).

Thanks in advance

Andy Ferguson

Run a complete scan with AVG and adaware. Seems to me some spyware has corrupted some system files.

After the A/V check, pop the XP CD in the drive. Go to Start>run and type"sfc /scannow" and wait till the process completes.

If this doesn't help, start Windows setup from the CD and when prompted, choose the upgrade option. This should fix any corrupt files.

Thank you will try later

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