Can any one help me get rid of the annoying message: "no sil controller found in the the button to exit the application" when windows boots up? I have 2 harddrives. one with XP pro. that's O.K. The other harddrive has XP home which is the problem. mother board foxconn socket 2 I have a raid card which i connect a third havddrive to which is also O.K. I cannot remember what happened prior to the message appearing because it's been there for a long, long time and I have never been able to get rid of it.thanks

Can only guess, but possibly in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services or Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase keys you have a Silicon Images service trying to start. You could search those keys for the words SIL or SILICON.
Does the message appear if you start in Safe Mode?
You could use a Windows API scanne/monitor to output the name of the process putting up the text you mention in its codebox.

Hi thanks for replying, Has soon as I saw your reply it occured to me to check in system config (msconfig) under startup. I did not expect it to be in there as I thought it was not a program, not in my way of thinking. I understand a computer works with programs/ part of. I thought it was refering to a driver (program to run!!) and that it would not be in system config. It was I unticked it and now the message as gone. I could not find any reference to it in the registry. now I have temporary got rid of it I can investigate it farther at a later date. thanks

Okay. If you want to clean up a bit and remove the entry from msconfig then what you do depends upon where the item was located in Msconfig. If it was, as you say, under the Startup tab then it's pretty simple:
1] if listed as a common startup/startup in msconfig then unchecking the item in Msconfig will have actually deleted it from the Startup folder in C:\Docs n Setts and stored it in registry...
2] if listed with a registry key in msconfig then unchecking the item in Msconfig will have actually moved it from the that key [usually HKCU or HKLM...\Run] to another...
In both cases the entry will now be under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig in a subkey, startupfolder or startupreg.
Simply delete its subkey from startupfolder or its valuename from startupreg and it will disappear from msconfig.
What is the make of your current Raid card? I'm going to guess Silicon Image. The message "no sil controller found in the system. press the button to exit the application" is possibly coming from some part of the card application or firmware; the actual program or driver is not where it was - moved or deleted. The reg or msconfig entries give you the original pathname of the applicatior. The card is using the native Windows Raid controller software now, and so is working.

Hi. The following registry you suggested does not exist
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig in a subkey, startupfolder or startupreg.
what is there is:hkey_classes_root. hkey local machine. hkey users. hkey current config.
I backed up registry. searched and found an entry in hkey machine, software and deleited it.
rebooted, no ill effects. every thing still working.
checked msconfig. the entry is still there. I ticked it. shutdown. connected a harddrive to the raid card. rebooted. the raid card still works, The original message reappeared.I use a program called "driver max" I opened it and ticked backup drivers. there are 2 drivers 1. silicon image sil 0608 ata-133 medley raid controler, version 5.2.3790.1830. The other one: via raid controler 3249 version 6.0.7600.6250 I don't know if theses are the ones off the C.D. for the raid card which i used when i first installed the raid card

Update: I looked in msconfig to see where the item was. C:\program files, sata raids. there were 3 folders. I opened one "3132 sata rades" there was a install icon, I installed and now more message on start up. However an old one has now appeared:double error. "error was reported from the transport layer, and the error description could nor be retrived! message was lost". The last time i was getting this message I looked on the internet and could not get an anwser

Update: I looked in msconfig to see where the item was. C:\program files, sata raids. there were 3 folders. I opened one "3132 sata rades" there was a install icon, I installed and now Know more message on start up. However an old one has now appeared:double error. "error was reported from the transport layer, and the error description could not be retrived! message was lost". The last time i was getting this message I looked on the internet and could not get an anwser

Hello, John.
This error, "error was reported from the transport layer..." is likely something to do with the driver you just tried to install not being able to communicate correctly with the system; it could be incompatible with XP?... but that's all I am qualified to say in that regard. I suggest that you use Device Manager to roll back to the previous, native, Microsoft driver. If that fails then use Device Manager to uninstall the sil raid card driver; upon restart windows will automatically search for and install its native driver [in DevManager, dclick the sil raid card; on Driver tab use the desired button].
Then, as before, use msconfig to remove the sil controller hint at startup.
Finally, uninstall that package you installed as in "C:\program files, sata raids. there were 3 folders. I opened one "3132 sata rades" there was a install icon, I installed..."
That's interesting re the missing Msconfig subkey in registry. I suspect that is another, unrelated error, and I do not know how to resolve it. Just in case it's a navigation problem, run this in a cmd window.... either a txt file will pop on your desktop or an error msg of key not found in the cmd window [paste in the line]:
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig" >> msconf.txt && start msconf.txt
Post the notepad content.
The MS driver is obviously running your raid card adequately; you may not consider it worth your while persisting with the Silicon Image driver installation. You could search their site for an updated version.

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