I am using Dell i3 processor, 2GB RAM, Intel HD graphic and 500GB hard disk. Recently I had this error when using Internet Explorer browser as show in the attachment. The error disappear when I restart the computer. But I don't have any problem with Chrome or Firefox.

Can anyone tell what is happening to my Internet explorer? Kind a annoying to restart the computer when this thing happen. I know people will ask me to use Firefox or Chrome but there is certain website that insist on Internet explorer. Thank to anyone who can help.

What version of MS-Windows and what version of IE? I had problems with IE10 on Windows 7 so I downgraded to IE9.

It was IE10. That means I have to downgrade to IE9? So what the heck Window ask to upgrade to IE10? Will try and see. Thanks.

Problem solved. Just have to uninstall this security patched kb:2859537 than do a system restore.

Thought the problem has been solve but after a few days it occur again and now I am in dilemma on what to do next. I have follow the Microsoft comunity to solve the issue but still unable to solve so here I am again to ask for help. Thank in advance.

Does your sys have KB2859537? If so, you could try uninstalling it; it came out on 15 Aug 2013. Find it in Windows folder with hidden files showing, and tunnel down to its spuninst.exe file, dclick that, or via CP/Programs. If no change then just reinstall it via dl.

I have done that but still the same. Further assistance still needed. Thanks for your reply.

Around about this time you start to suspect interference from poorly written softwares launching with/hooking IE.
Folks disable add-ons, run the system file checker, roll back SP1, uninstall a few security updates, change IE versions, run registry cleaners, look narrow-eyed at their RAM... Maybe a rootkit? Tried TDSSKiller, or another rootkit scanner? eg GMER, RootkitRevealer, IceSword,MBAM's AR Beta...? Tricky that it sometimes disappears upon a restart. What does the event log say is causing it [the process...dclick the error line]?

I have spend to much time on this and try almost everything. The last resort is to use the DVD to repair the Window or worse scenario format the whole computer which I amd dreaded to do. Anymore ideas before I have to come to this? Thanks!

After much troubleshooting. I have found the root of the problem. It is by uninstalling Trend Micro Worry Free Business agent from the computer. I have no idea why it affect Internet explorer but it give something for me to think about.

it means unable to open the .exe file. The problem may due to recent updation of the software.

Actually the Trend Micro Worry Free Security block the application from the server. That is after numerouse fact finding. I just remove IE from the block list has solve the problem.

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