A few days ago, i forget my User account password on windows 8.1. I did not access in my laptop. pls give a suggest how i can access without reinstall windows.

You remove the password; the owner will of course notice this.
Look, it's a Windows OS; if you lose the laptop, it is OWNED by the taker, so don't use complex login passwords. They are NO protection at all. Your favourite food, dog, town.. anything simple will do.

Hi! alpabel I am going to share 3 links which are all having the detai;led information about how to unlock the account in windows 8 if password is forgotten. Please sudy it fully and after that you please proceed to recover your account.
1. http://community.sony.com/t5/Windows-8/How-to-Unlock-Windows-8-Password-if-Forgot-or-Lost/td-p/126567
2. http://www.instructables.com/id/Unlock-Windows-User-Account-If-Your-Password-Expir/
3. http://www.slideshare.net/removewindowspassword/how-to-unlock-forgotten-or-lost-windows-8-login-password

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