Hey, I was wondering how you block a web site, because i need to block aim.com so my sister cant d/l AIM cuz her grades are doing bad.. or something like that i dunno all my dad said was block it lol. also is there a way to password a program so it cant be used without a password thats what im really looking for. finally, is there a way to go through the hard drive or norton systems (not log manager) to see what people typed in an email or aim or something. just curious cuz my dad said he could do that but wouldnt tell me how :)

Hey, I was wondering how you block a web site, because i need to block aim.com so my sister cant d/l AIM cuz her grades are doing bad.. or something like that i dunno all my dad said was block it lol. also is there a way to password a program so it cant be used without a password thats what im really looking for. finally, is there a way to go through the hard drive or norton systems (not log manager) to see what people typed in an email or aim or something. just curious cuz my dad said he could do that but wouldn't tell me how.

Rename and hide the executable, then create a password-protected batch file to run it. Or enter a fake, non-valid proxy into the AIM client so it never connects. AIM can be set to log all chats to a file, as well.

my face exploded when i read that hahaha. could any1 kind of briefly tell me how that'd be done. if aim wasnt set to log, is there any other way typed data is recorded?

my face exploded when i read that hahaha. could any1 kind of briefly tell me how that'd be done. if aim wasnt set to log, is there any other way typed data is recorded?

All you need is a keylogger or a hardware keylogger which plugs into your keyboard cable and it will record all keystrokes made and save them to a hidden file and sometimes you can rename the system process to be whatever you want. There are also keyloggers that will take random screenshots as well. You can also do remote keylogging but the thing with that is you need access to the other computer you are monitoring to install the logger or you can send them and executable with a logger built into the exec..but they have to install and run the exec in order to monitor remotely. Recording what sometimes types or the websites a person visits is nothing new or difficult.

You can get keylogger for a small price and sometimes I believe you can get a free trial.


[/b][/i]These are just one of many keyloggers out today.

Do the following on the computer system on which you want to block the web site

1. Click at Start | Run
2. Type Drivers and hit Enter
3. Select the folder "etc" and hit enter.
4. Select the file "hosts" and hit enter.
5. You will be prompted to use a program to open this file. Select "Notepad' and click at OK.
6. In the last line, add www.this-is-just-an-example-url.com
7. Save and close the file.
8. In case, you are not able to save the file, log off and log in as Administrator of
the system and try above mentioned steps 1 to 7.

Do the following on the computer system on which you want to block the web site

1. Click at Start | Run
2. Type Drivers and hit Enter
3. Select the folder "etc" and hit enter.
4. Select the file "hosts" and hit enter.
5. You will be prompted to use a program to open this file. Select "Notepad' and click at OK.
6. In the last line, add www.this-is-just-an-example-url.com
7. Save and close the file.
8. In case, you are not able to save the file, log off and log in as Administrator of
the system and try above mentioned steps 1 to 7.

i've tried your ways..
but the files names hosts does'nt here.. look at pic..
and here to.. no
please,i need to block,as my students always access something forbidden.

Hosts file never worked this end... have actually wondered if this is an old XP trick that has been passed on by. Tried using to block Facebook on my laptop (my wife can use it her system - I've locked that down so minimal risk - but like hell is she running on my notebook!!), so found a better solution.

Now what I found was an add-on for Firefox - so lock away IE, after installing FF and setting as default browser (a couple of ways to lock away without actually uninstalling - just ask if you need help). Now I came across FilterFox, but latest version, though free, the dev is charging to actually be able to password protect. Thus I acquired V6, patched up for FF3.5, and uploaded for others to use ;)

Allows both filtering of key-words in any site and web-search, as well as being able to block ANY site or download location... and fully PW protectable, including preventing any means of disabling the extension.

See attachments for example of what now comes up when trying to open Facebook, and trying to adjust settings ;)

Go to somthing like safeeyes.com Pay for one year subscription. and you can block what ever you like. I use this at work all the time. Granted it is a little chilish But hay it works. and I you can create diffrent profiles. so If one person can have free rain of the computer but someone else cant. then it is as easy as a click of a mouse. If I rember right you get 3 diffrent logins for one subscription. and it is cheep. and as meny people can log into each profile a you need. so lets say Mom, dad and you have diffrent logins ont he same computer and you all have free run of the internet then Bam use the same afeeyes longin. and give Sis a diffrent one. Block all IM programs and facebook and myspace and what ever you wish. just rember it works pritty well she wont like you much when you are done. LOL

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