Anyone else have a problem with the Yahoo Chat Software and Vista? I can log into chat, but cannot hear anything in the voice conference. Nor can I use my mic. Was just curious if anyone else had encountered this problem and been able to resolve it.

I'm having the same problem... but no luck resolving it.

Update: Tried joining through the web-based chat... got the following error message:

Voice Error:AcsConnect failure

Anyone have any ideas?

Anyone else have a problem with the Yahoo Chat Software and Vista? I can log into chat, but cannot hear anything in the voice conference. Nor can I use my mic. Was just curious if anyone else had encountered this problem and been able to resolve it.

In the next release of vista TMC which is coming out soon should take care of this problem. As i was told by Microsoft.:lol:

In the midst of it all, I wont doubt Google had a big role in this. hahaha...

In the midst of it all, I wont doubt Google had a big role in this. hahaha...

Has anyone figured out a solution? I am using Vista RTM Build 6000 and still can not connect to Yahoo's voice chat. I tried a program called YCabby that installs the required dll's for voice chat but still can not connect to it. The error I am getting is "AcsConnect failure:" :mad:


NO Problem with chatting, but boy do i have a problem sending mail... :mad: i cant type a message and then attach a file, or even the other way around, i can't attach a file and then write a message ... either way my attachment doesn't get sent..... NOW PLEASE WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?????:mad:

i am also having problems in chat...i cant hear or be really sucks....i reallyhope somebody can figure out this problem,when somebody does..pleaseeeeeeee let me know..thank you

The TrueSpeech codec has been updated for Windows Vista.


1) Download the updated codec

2) Install the codec update, and reboot if it asks.

3) Try voice chat and it should work!

NOTE: Doesn't work on vista ultimate

The TrueSpeech codec has been updated for Windows Vista.


1) Download the updated codec

2) Install the codec update, and reboot if it asks.

3) Try voice chat and it should work!

NOTE: Doesn't work on vista ultimate

doesnot work for me, i have vista basic.

Ive finally found a way to get sound in Vista on Yahoo Chat. Firstly install the true speech codec as shown on earlier post. Then download Trillion basic 3.1 from

I have it working on my own Vista home basic and so far 8 out of ten friends have managed to get it to work also. Home this works for you too.


please feel free to contact me if u need any help with setting up. Just remember to go into chat through Trillian and not yahoo

ok i have all the voice and sound problems that others seem to have with vista and chat... but am i the only one who gets a ping sound and the cursor moves out of the typing space and causes my sentences to get cut up and rearanged in a garbled form? its really bugging me and makes me type like a dyslexic on acid.

do you mean u getting weird sounds with trillian? cos it has weird sound anyway. If u need a hand pm me, i'll try to help

according to the gods above we will have to wait for chat via yahoo messenger, anyone else having trouble accessing profiles?


1) Download the updated codec

2) Install the codec update, and reboot if it asks.

3) Try voice chat and it should work!

NOTE: Doesn't work on vista ultimate

" I already install the code! and it works. The problem was everytime i install the the client or either I download some new programs. The YAhoo Chat/ vc was gone " i can't figure out!! I wanna keep all the things i install. But, until now I don't have a Voice Chat!!

same here, vista doesn't work well with yahoo chat.

did you try my fix above?

no, i dont use yahoo much, but i'll try the above suggestion

I am not only having this problem on the regular messager, but on YahElite as we. I get a message saying "error: AcsConnect failure:" when Yahvox opens. I've run YCabby multiple times and have updated numerous times today. Voice quit working on my regular messanger today. PLEASE someone do something about this!

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