Hi everyone. I'm having a problem with my hotmail and i can't seem to figure out what the problem is. My MSN messenger works perfectly, but when i click to go to my inbox I get the hotmail login page. I type my address and password, then seems to load the inbox and then returns to the login page again where i have to repeat the process over .... and over ..... and over again. It got me realllllllyyyyyyy:mad: frustrated. I've tried clearing my history, deleting cookies and temporary files, firefox, spyware/adware/virus scan, with absolutely no luck what so ever. Not even an error. I'm able to login on another computer with the same network connection. Does anyone plz have any suggestions cause i'm running out of ideas???

What browser are you curently running?

The problem has to do with how your computer allows cookies, ActiveX and the such.

I would try again using Firefox.

I'm using Internet Explorer. I downloaded and installed firefox, but that hasn't solved my problem

Never mind I found the solution to my problem. It was Mcafee Securitycenter that was blocking hotmail from loading. I just had to add the website to the cookies in order for it to work :cheesy: .

also msn was kinda broken for a few days. there was service status notice available on microsofts website saying they were having problems

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