Hello....I run Windows ME, on a Dell Dimension 2100. Every so often, I'll be in the middle of something, and wothout warning, the screen goes off, and the computer does a restart.
It's happened over the last several months. I was wondering if there is anything I need to do? Thanks for any help.

Im on Win98se and this also happens once in awhile (I hope its not anything bad!!)

Good luck me friend :)

It sounds like a hardware problem, unfortunately. I found that happened to mine when I was running a game on Windows ME, it would just hut itself down. I replaced the Graphics card and its been fine ever since. Also, depending on your level of expertise and competance, you could make sure that nothing is getting too hot inside your case (check, Processor, Memory and Graphics Card.) as these can cause the computer to shut down if they overheat. Sorry this is not much help, but unfortunately it is very difficult to pin point intermittent faults.

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