Long time, no post.

Anyways, I have had some luck with updating some of the computers in the school from 98 --> 2K, but lately there has been a MAJOR problem.

There are some computers that I run the install, delete the partition that has 98 on it. When I go to install 2000 on it, it says that I need to create a partition. Well, I go to create that partition, and I the number that I put in will not hold.

I have talked with my fellow techies up here and they said that it has something to do with the fact that the motherboard is an ASUS CUSI and the hard drive is made by WESTERN DIGITAL.

Has anyone else ran into this problem?

Long time, no post.

Anyways, I have had some luck with updating some of the computers in the school from 98 --> 2K, but lately there has been a MAJOR problem.

There are some computers that I run the install, delete the partition that has 98 on it. When I go to install 2000 on it, it says that I need to create a partition. Well, I go to create that partition, and I the number that I put in will not hold.

I have talked with my fellow techies up here and they said that it has something to do with the fact that the motherboard is an ASUS CUSI and the hard drive is made by WESTERN DIGITAL.

Has anyone else ran into this problem?

Your tech buddies are filling you full of crap...

Have you swapped the hard drive out? You didn't specifically say that, but that's all about all I can ask.

How old are these troublesome systems?

I hope this helps, according to Microsoft, the minimum requirements for Windows 2000 Pro are as follows:-

Minimum Requirements
Computer/Processor 133 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU.
Memory At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM; more memory generally improves responsiveness.
Hard Disk 2 GB with 650 MB free space.
CPU Support Windows 2000 Professional supports single and dual CPU systems.
Drive CD-ROM or DVD drive.
Display VGA or higher resolution monitor.
Keyboard Required.

Do the Hard disks on these PC's have enough capacity to hold the Operating System?

Do the Hard disks on these PC's have enough capacity to hold the Operating System?

Yes they do, they all have 20GB Harddrives

Have you swapped the hard drive out? You didn't specifically say that, but that's all about all I can ask.

How old are these troublesome systems?

I just changed out the drive and it worked. BUt I still have 40+ other computers that have the same harddrive and I can't change all of them out.

Long time, no post.

There are some computers that I run the install, delete the partition that has 98 on it. When I go to install 2000 on it, it says that I need to create a partition. Well, I go to create that partition, and I the number that I put in will not hold.

IHas anyone else ran into this problem?

Are you removing win98 or upgrading from98 to 2000 .you say delete win98 partition just how are you doing this !!

Well, the chipsets on those motherboards are recent enough...

What you may need to do is flash the motherboard BIOS before upgrading. I had to do that to a few AOpen MX3 model boards here as the 2000 disk I used to install the OS would not boot with the older BIOS revision.

Might want to take a look and see if you're running the latest BIOS for the board.

Are you removing win98 or upgrading from98 to 2000 .you say delete win98 partition just how are you doing this !!

I am doing a FRESH install of Windows 2K. Here's How:
When I put the disk in, it will give me the option to delete the partition that I have (Hit D, Enter, L) which has Win98 on it. So I go and do that. No Prob. Then I tell it to install Win2K on the partition that I cleared up and it says 'EH! NO WAY!' and tells me that I need to go and make a partition. So I go and do that, but the numbers that I put in do not stay.

I am working on something right now to see if I can get this right.

but the numbers that I put in do not stay.

Could you clarify that please- exatly what numbers are we talking about?

Could you clarify that please- exatly what numbers are we talking about?

When I go in to put in a number (for how big I want the partition), when I hit ENTER, the numbers go away and I have to put them in again. But everytime I press enter, they disappear.

OK, that's what I thought you meant- just checking.

Is it possible to create the partition with one of your old Win 98 boot/rescue disks? I've had instances where I've had to do that in order to install 2K or XP on damaged drives. I'm not saying you drive is damaged, but...

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