My CD drives stopped working when I uninstalled Easy CD Creator (error code 19). I found the thread to correct this problem, but I can't quite get all the right steps. I have Windows 2000. My computer won't let me delete the key (security permission). I have found how to edit my security permission, but when I deleted the key, it deleted all the subkeys as well. I restored my system with "reboot with last good configuration". Would someone please provide step by step instructions to permit me to delete a registry key and not everything else with it? My kids can't play any computer games until fix this. Thanks!

Try Start/run/REGEDIT32

Or I would right click on mycomputer /properties/hardware/device manager/ and look for the cdroms/click the + next to CD and uninstall ,then close that out and reboot computer to reinstall the drives .

Try Start/run/REGEDIT32

Or I would right click on mycomputer /properties/hardware/device manager/ and look for the cdroms/click the + next to CD and uninstall ,then close that out and reboot computer to reinstall the drives .

I tried that already. It won't recognize the CD drive so I can't reinstall the drivers. I'm still stuck at error 19.

Here is the Microsoft article with step by step instructions:;en-us;314060&Product=winxp

This one has links to step by step articles about using the Registry editor:;EN-US;256986


I already have the first solution. That's where I'm stuck. I cannot delete the registry keys without permission. How do I set up permission correctly? The last set of instructions is way tooo complicated for me to follow along. Anything simpler?

Boot into 'Safe Mode' and log in as 'administrator'. You should have full permissions for performing the work from there.

The second article contains links to articles outlining 'How to use Regedit'

I already have the first solution. That's where I'm stuck. I cannot delete the registry keys without permission. How do I set up permission correctly? The last set of instructions is way tooo complicated for me to follow along. Anything simpler?

I Have XP so not sure if 2000 doese this or not ,i useto do phone tek and help people with 2000 registry problems ,but that was last year !!and i was reading it from my binder!!

with regedit opened and the key you want to change permission on right click the key ,permission is in the box in xp ,maybe there in 2000 also.
or with the key open go to edit permissions should be there in 2000,if memory serves me right ,

This is where I get stuck. I found how to edit permission, but I am making the wrong choices (key only, key + subkey, etc) and I ended up deleting too much! I just need to delete the upper and lower filter, but I either "don't have permission" or I have too much permission (??). What are the right choices to select when editing the security permission? Or am I supposed to delete the key and the subkey? I don't understand what I'm trying to do. I is now day 5 without computer games and the natives are restless. HELP!

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