I have a Dell Dimension 2400 and the way that Dell tells me to do a complete system restore isn't working. They say at start up to press the ctrl + F11 buttons and this will give me the option to rest to factory settings. However, when I do I get a keyboard not working correctly error. So, is there a better way to restore my settings or is there some way to download a system restore CD. How can I fix this problem.

P.S. whenever I press F1 or F12 those keys do what they should, the ctrl+F11 does not. Help....Please.

you dont do it as soon as it boots up. you do it after the initial bit but before the XP logo comes up (in my case i get dell in blue at the top of the screen when the time is right).

If youve done somethings stuipd like wiped the MBR or edited the partitioning youve probably broken the recovery stuff btw

If the system works still you can go into xp and under dell menu in start you get a 1 time option to make a CDR of a standard XP SP2 disk. (this is on a 18 month old 5150, i think this may not be on newer systems)

I have a Dell Dimension 2400 and the way that Dell tells me to do a complete system restore isn't working. They say at start up to press the ctrl + F11 buttons and this will give me the option to rest to factory settings. However, when I do I get a keyboard not working correctly error. So, is there a better way to restore my settings or is there some way to download a system restore CD. How can I fix this problem.

P.S. whenever I press F1 or F12 those keys do what they should, the ctrl+F11 does not. Help....Please.

What exactly is the problem to make you want to do a restore?

If it is a MBR issue get this ISO

bootable CD to access the Recovery Console


When prompted, press R to repair a Windows XP installation.

If you have only one operating system, enter 1 to select it.

Enter the administrator password if prompted. (if you had one)

To fix the MBR, use the following command:


You will be presented with several scary warning lines the reading of which will make you want to say no. Microsoft is exceptionally vague regarding the conditions under which fixmbr can cause problems although they are clear about the consequences (losing all data on the hard drive), so use this at your own risk.

Type y and ENTER to fix the MBR.

Type exit to leave the recovery console and reboot.

Do Not Do That Unless You Have To!

Messing With The Mbr On Dell Systems Means The Control-f11 Thing Will Be Wiped , Making You Unable To Recover Your Os!

What has happened is a virus, the computer is about 3yrs old I have everything backedup and I would just like a fresh install. If I used the zip file would it totally screw up my computer; forcing me to go out and buy a new XP install or even try and beg Dell for some sort of install CD? I just wish they (Dell) would have given me install CD's instead of this stupid ctrl+F11 method.

P.S. Thanks for everyone's help.

Dell did give you the option to make an install cd. under dell in the start menu you can make a cdr of XP (ONE TIME ONLY THEN IT DELETES THE PROGRAM) but as you didnt do thate arlier, you are screwed

Dell did give you the option to make an install cd. under dell in the start menu you can make a cdr of XP (ONE TIME ONLY THEN IT DELETES THE PROGRAM) but as you didnt do thate arlier, you are screwed

No, I did try to do this, but it did not give me that as an option. I appreciate everyone's help, but I do not appreciate being talked to as if I am some sort of idiot for something I had no control over. Just because I am asking advice does not mean; please bash me for asking another person's opinion. You know, sometimes it helps to step back and ask another person's point of view before you make the next step, it may save a lot of time in the long run. Although, I can do without the bashing, I still appreciate the responses, I contacted Dell and after a little wrestling match they have decided to send me a system restore CD (score one for Dell :cheesy: ), and also mentioned that my machine does not use the ctrl+F11 option. So, thank you to everyone and have a nice Day :p .

my recovery cd icon points to:


if its there, get a blank cdr and try to make it

Its a full XP Home cd basically

What if you can no longer access the administrator function because it no longer recognizes your password? The CD player is not working and I can't reload another operating system or download missing drivers?????

I have been working on the same problem. However if the computer was shipped out before 2005 Dell did not provide a restore point in Windows XP home. You will have to call their tech department for the restore disk. It cost 10.00 + and they will ship it.
Hope this helped

i need help to plzzz help i did the ctrl thing and it didnt work and i dont have inter net on it. plzzz help

I just tried Ctrl-F11 on a Dell 8110 and it brought the Symantec/Dell Restore right up and is restoring as I type. Thank you!

You can always use any other CD for the operating system that is shown on your cabinet or laptop. Use the product key of the disk you are using then when all is installed you can change the product key to that shown on your PC

Hi, my computer is very slow and do not know what to do when it say's that i have alot of old programs that are not needed and i just dont know what to delete.

This is a question (arrowood52) that should have its own thread so don't post a new question in someon else's thread make a new one. However I'll give you some help.try defragmenting the disk and using the disk clean up utility in Windows. If that does not work download Glary Utilities http://www.glarysoft.com/products/utilities/glary-utilities/

And install and run it.


Hi, my computer is very slow and do not know what to do when it say's that i have alot of old programs that are not needed and i just dont know what to delete.

There are often loads of programs that you don't use for a while. If you don't know what to UNINSTALL then leave well alone. If there are programs that are shown as not having been used for a year or so then these can be uninstalled using the add remove programs in control panel. If you are not sure what the progrsam does then google it to find out.

If your computer is vey slow then it is not likely to be because of this anyway. Try doing a disk cleanup, run chkdsk /r/f at the cmd prompt also try running sfc /scannow at the control prompt this last activity will check for broken or invalid system files, the chkdsk will check for problems on your disk and fix or repair them.

Also don't store data files or folders on your desktop this can slow up the loading of windows. Ideally the desktop should be recerved for shortcuts to files or the execution files for running programs such as Internet Explorer, Office apps such as word, Messenger and Skype etc.

Also as previously suggested run download and runn ccleaner to clean up the registry etc.

Good luck ...............Peter

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