I hope that I'm in the right forum for this topic.

I have a fresh install of Windows XP SP2 in a new computer just two weeks ago. I've been using the Media Player v9 with no problems untill yesterday. When in the Media Library for about 5 min I keep geting a message that " Dr. Watson Postmortem debugger has found a problem and has to be shut down. It gives the option to send or not to send an error report. Then it shuts the Media Player down.

It does however allow me to listen to internet radio without giving me an error message though but on everything else I get the error messagethen it shuts down.

Anyone have any idea whats going on?



First of all, what you have written in your Application log? Try observing it. Click Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer. Click on the Application item in the tree and then look for error items with red icons.

If you find nothing, just run the update and update to WMP11.

First of all, what you have written in your Application log? Try observing it. Click Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer. Click on the Application item in the tree and then look for error items with red icons.

If you find nothing, just run the update and update to WMP11.

Thank you for your reply rubbersky.

I did as you asked and I have several error notifications with red icons. What do I do now?

I did actually update to the WMP 11 the first week I had this computer but didn't like it initially so got rid of it and it rolled it back to v 9. I think I might have jumped the gun on this though and took more time to get used to v 11........

This " roll back " thing is new to me as I went from Win98 to XP Pro. Does roll back mean that WMP is still on my computer?

Sorry for all the dumb questions :-)


I tried to open my media player today and instead of getting an error message and closing down the player, I was promped warning that my playlist was corrupted and it asked if I wanted to create a new one. I chose yes and now my player seems to be working OK again .... go figure LOL!!!

Problem is, is that now my computer takes forever to boot and most programs take longer to open. Not sure whats going on. I did a virus scan and a scan with Spybot but turned up nothing unusual.

I'm not sure what went wrong all of a sudden as this was a new computer with a clean install less than a month ago. I might just do a format and start over:'(

Uninstall WMP9 and then re-install it :)

Dont goto wmp11 if you can help it,its trash compared to 9..

Good luck!

Uninstall WMP9 and then re-install it :)

Dont goto wmp11 if you can help it,its trash compared to 9..

Good luck!

I don't think that Media Player 9 can be un-installed as it is part of Windows XP. It's not in " add and remove programs or windows components ".

What problems are you having with version 11 ?

If you DL wmp 9 from here you may be able to re-install it :)

Good luck

It's been awhile and I should do an update regarding my errors in my Windows Media Player.

There was nothing wrong with my Media player after all LOL!!! My music playlist had become corrupted because that is what it had been given. Let me explain.

The errors just kept getting worse and worse, so I decided to dump everything and re-format my HDD. During my re-installation of Windows XP Pro it was reading errors. So I formatted again and attempted another install. The errors just kept getting worse. I tried 3 different SATA DVD drives, 2 Plextors and an LG SATA drive, all reading errors. Hmmmmm!!

I finally took my computer to Canada Computers where I bought all of my components. They swapped out everything to another computer and my DVD drives were working OK on it. They finally advised me that there had to be a problem with the ICH8R chipset on the MOBO, an ASUS P5B-Deluxe, so I RMA'd the board. ASUS sent me a replacement P5B and I re-installed everything. Everything was working good for about 2 weeks when I started to get errors once again. Looking in the event log it showed that all the errors were from ATAPI device.

So one nite I was looking around the menues in my computer. I was in Device Manager and looked in IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers. Right clicking on that and selecting Properties, then advanced settings, under Device 1 it was on Auto Detection ( but shaded out ). The second line said " DMA if available " which is normal. But the last line under current mode it said " PIO mode. ( thats not normal ). PIO mode is a much slower transfer rate and it should be in DMA mode.

SO now that I knew what the problem was, I Googled it and there seems to be lots of this issue with lots of ppl on different MOBO's with the newer SATA optical drives. The DMA mode seems to be reverting back to PI0 mode when reading errors from sata DVD drives and not reverting back to DMA mode.

SATA optical drives are fairly new. I'm not sure if it a compatability / chipset driver issue. a BIOS issue or what and what the fix is. I'm presently emailing ASUS and also the DVD drive manufacturers to see if a BIOS update is available, or a better chipset driver etc.

Stay tuned :)


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