Hello, I run Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002, Service Pack 2. I have an annoyance.:@ The Tool Tip balloons for the Windows taskbar sometimes hide behind the taskbar and then they are hard to read.

How do I consistantly keep Tool Tips in FRONT OF the taskbar permanently?

By the same token, I like my Windows taskbar (I always keep it at the bottom of the screen) to auto-hide and stay ON TOP OF other windows.


I have the Tool Tip Manager program and have corresponded with the programmer who wrote it. He’s been in the business for 30 years and is currently developing Windows device drivers for security products. He apparently wrote Tool Tip Manager because he was tired of waiting for Microsoft to fix it. His product adds some nice new features to the desktop like the ability to customize the task bar tool tips and because he wrote it as an extension to the Windows shell versus a separately running process, it does not use any additional CPU resources and only a tiny bit of memory. It’s quick and easy to install and he offers a money-back guarantee. His link http://acquaviva.us/tooltipmanager has some impressive testimonials.

its normal..^^

dont worry..it happens to me too..

Press WinKey+D..then refresh...

or you can just ignore them...

I was just discussing this problem with my friend, he suggested hiding and unhiding the taskbar, no dice. locking and unlocking, still no dice.

End explorer.exe and restarting - i never technically did, but i did put the laptop to sleep for abit and come back later and it was fine. Logging off and on again should fix it.

I was just discussing this problem with my friend, he suggested hiding and unhiding the taskbar, no dice. locking and unlocking, still no dice.

End explorer.exe and restarting - i never technically did, but i did put the laptop to sleep for abit and come back later and it was fine. Logging off and on again should fix it.

Click 'start
click 'all programs'
RIGHT CLICK on any program in your program list..
left click..'sort by name'

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