I have SiteAdvisor and an update was bad, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it.

After I did that I started getting this error message when the desktop loads:

"Windows cannot find C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\5020\Siteadv.exe"
(You all know the rest of it.)

I went to the chat help for SiteAdvisor and explained to them that I uninstalled the version I downloaded a couple of times and needed help. Of course, the only help they could offer is to uninstall and reinstall again. I tried it a couple times again, but with no luck... They couldn't offer anything else.

Now, I recently used Sun's removal tool to uninstall a couple of insecure versions of Java I had.

You guess it... Now I have 3 "Windows cannot find...". One is still SiteAdvisor and I now 2 that are the old Java versions.

How can I get rid of those error messages on the desktop boot?

Also, I would be interested to know what would cause this to be an issue all of the sudden? I have never had this issue before. The head scratcher is that this is happening with two unrelated sets of software.

Thanks in advance for your help!


If you run msconfig you can see what services and what programs start at startup. If you are lucky one will match this error message and you can take tick out of box beside it and all will be well.

If you need more help, please come back



If you run msconfig you can see what services and what programs start at startup. If you are lucky one will match this error message and you can take tick out of box beside it and all will be well.

If you need more help, please come back


Thanks for getting back to me Denis! I was not lucky... The only reference was to the version of SiteAdvisor already running and there was no reference to Java at all. (By the way, even if I uninstall SiteAdvisor and Java and DO NOT a install, I still get the error message).

Any other suggestions would be appreciated!

Well don't know whether this will help. Try removing it from the regedit.

Well don't know whether this will help. Try removing it from the regedit.

I searched the reg and the only reference I can find is to ver. 6066, which is the current version I have. There are no references to 5020, which is the one that windows says it cannot find...


Have you checked Programs, Startup to see if it is being started from there ?


Get yourself a cheap registry cleaner - any half-decent one will recognise an entry that points to a file that no longer exists. And they don't come cheaper than CCleaner...
==Get CCleaner from http://www.ccleaner.com/ - and put it in a new folder. You should aim to keep this one for general use. I set it from the installation checkboxes to only open from the recycle bin. It's neater that way.
Now run CCleaner from the recycle bin rclick menu using its default settings [if you set up CCleaner as i suggested, rclicking the bin icon should give you the Open CCleaner option...]. Select the Cleaner icon, press Run Cleaner.
[For future quick temp file cleaning select the options you wish to use via the Windows and Applications tabs .. Note that CCleaner is also a free registry cleaner. Explore all its options, but skip the prefetch folder cleaning option. That one is unnecessary because windows automatically dumps old unused entries anyway, they can do no harm, and further, if there is no prefetch entry for an app you wish to load then your sys will just be a lil bit slower loading it. And an entry will then be generated anyway.]
What you are specifically looking for is under Issues button.


Have you checked Programs, Startup to see if it is being started from there ?


Hi Denis,

Yes, I did check those and cannot find anything there.

Get yourself a cheap registry cleaner - any half-decent one will recognise an entry that points to a file that no longer exists. And they don't come cheaper than CCleaner...
==Get CCleaner from http://www.ccleaner.com/ - and put it in a new folder. You should aim to keep this one for general use. I set it from the installation checkboxes to only open from the recycle bin. It's neater that way.
Now run CCleaner from the recycle bin rclick menu using its default settings [if you set up CCleaner as i suggested, rclicking the bin icon should give you the Open CCleaner option...]. Select the Cleaner icon, press Run Cleaner.
[For future quick temp file cleaning select the options you wish to use via the Windows and Applications tabs .. Note that CCleaner is also a free registry cleaner. Explore all its options, but skip the prefetch folder cleaning option. That one is unnecessary because windows automatically dumps old unused entries anyway, they can do no harm, and further, if there is no prefetch entry for an app you wish to load then your sys will just be a lil bit slower loading it. And an entry will then be generated anyway.]
What you are specifically looking for is under Issues button.

Hi gerbil! Thanks for helping!

I should have mentioned that I already had CCleaner (I love it by the way...) but it did not find those files to clean. I ran it a few times and nothing... Shows all clean, but when I reboot the same issue occurs.


I think I would start windows explorer and search from root of c for files containing Siteadv and see what you get

I wonder whether this is being called from another program, so you can't spot it.


A startup entry like that has to be in registry. get another one like Registryfix, let it do a free scan; if it finds it it will not fix it, but you've got its number though for a manual fix.
Unless... I don't have siteadvisor.. but is there a chance that the later vsn needs the earlier, and is calling from itself?

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