Please suggest/help: The Problem: When I click on my icon which is a (limited) account it displays a message -- Note: I have replaced my logon name with the generic word "user" in the following--

c:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop not accessible
Access denied.

I have a total of three user accounts and one administrator account on my PC. Other accounts are working fine. I have been able to use my account by changing it to 'administrator' type but I do not want to continue in this mode.

Help much appreciated ..... Also another problem...... from time to time my Microsoft Outlook Inbox contents vanish?? i.e. it is empty.


Goto c:\Documents and Settings\user and right click on folder desktop and in the security tab add the name of the user you want (in this case user) and allow him full control and I think it will work.

Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried this before and it works ok i.e. the desktop is displayed except the icon for say Email Microsoft Outlook is shown as (when the system cannot determine which program an icon is associated with). Clicking on Email icon either from the start menu or the desktop produces the display \.........\outlook.pst not accesible. Acess denied. Also Favorites from IE behaves the same.

Any clue as to the problem?

"Goto c:\Documents and Settings\user and right click on folder desktop and in the security tab add the name of the user you want (in this case user) and allow him full control and I think it will work."

1 in the bottom right click on advanced and do Replace permission entries on all child objects with entries show here that apply to the child objects. Click apply and be prepaired to wait a moment or two. click ok. then try rebooting then logging into that account.


What you did for the desktop shall be done for each of the resources you are trying to access, for example to see the favorites you have to grant access for "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Favorites" folder. and for the outlook you have to find the folder that includes that file .pst and grant the user an access for it and I think it will work.

Hi all... thanks for your tips and help. The desktop is now displaying ok. However there are still nagging problems: 1. The task bar lower left hand side icons are showing icons with no associated programs. Trying to reset the properties of the task bar is of no avail. 2. Outlook is starting ok except it is now popping a window with some jibberish (a line of small squares). Closing this takes you to a word file with change of Global template yes or no stuff!!

I have now created a new account and transferred all my files. Also another problem as cropped up in the new account which was also showing in the old account --- web addresses referenced from within an email are not accessible? Perhaps I will create a new thread.


Hi all... thanks for your tips and help. The desktop is now displaying ok. However there are still nagging problems: 1. The task bar lower left hand side icons are showing icons with no associated programs. Trying to reset the properties of the task bar is of no avail. 2. Outlook is starting ok except it is now popping a window with some jibberish (a line of small squares). Closing this takes you to a word file with change of Global template yes or no stuff!!

I have now created a new account and transferred all my files. Also another problem as cropped up in the new account which was also showing in the old account --- web addresses referenced from within an email are not accessible? Perhaps I will create a new thread.


Sounds like your having a lot of fun over there.

1. I am assuming your talking about the QUICK LAUNCH shortcut next to the start button. Try right clicking on start bar and going to Toolbars, removing it then adding it back.

2. I would have to see whats going on with that problem..

3. There are secuirty settings in outlook that do not allow for you to get to websites, you just need to turn that setting down.

If you want help PM me

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