Hi, I'm a newbie to this site and also new to wireless router purchasing. Here's my situation:

I recently purchased a refurb Compaq laptop (CQ50-139NR) and need to buy a router that works with this - 802.11 b/g WLAN.

My desktop computer is located in a second story room, and the internet connection is Time Warner Cable. Also, it's running on XP, but the new laptop is Vista. Is that an issue?

Does anyone have some buying tips for me? What I should look for and what to avoid?

I prefer the Linksys WRT54GL router. Vista and XP can both connect to a wifi network, they just go about it a little differently.

Agree with HoustonIT, linksys is one of a good choice..

I would suggest a netgear wireless router (WGR614), also the MSI RG60SE are excellent.

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