hello i am trying to save my self a little work. i have two computers at one desk with one cat5 plug in the wall. up until a week ago i just left it be and used the one cable back and forth. well i got a linksys router from a friend that was no longer using it it workes just fine if i hook it to the dsl modem all compters get the internet. i was planing on having a cable got from wall cat5 to the WAN internet port and having computer 1 to port 1 computer 2 to port 2 well i hooked it up as such and both dont get the internet or the network. i tried to mess around with the router settings still no luck.

thanks for all to help tony

We need a better description of your setup.
It should be:
Modem to router(Wan port)
Router (Ports 1, 2, etc) to each individual PC.

well the dsl modem is also a wireless router so as of now its dsl line and computer 1 to port 1 computer 2 to port one (when i swich the cat 5) and computer 3 to port 2. more or less i want to use a linksys router to make port 1 on the dsl modem/router to be the internet wan port on the linksys for the computer 1 and 2

The DSL Modem/Router is conflicting with the Linksys.
Typically, you have to disable DHCP on the Lnksys and assign it a fixed IP address.

ok well i tried that and every time i change enable to disable in the linksys setup and apply it reloads the page with it still enabled do i just need to pitch the idea out of the window.

There are detailed instructions on the Linksys site. Look up "Using two routers" or something similar.

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